Geokhimiya, 2006, V 44, N 9.

Experimental Data on the Thermal Reduction
of Phosphorus and Iron and Their Significance
for the Interpretation of the Impact 
Reworking of Lunar Materials 
O. I. Yakovlev, Yu. P. Dikov, and M. V. Gerasimov 
p. 847    

Physicochemical Model for the Genesis of 
Svecofennian Plagiomigmatites
of the Belomorian Complex, Northern Karelia 
V. M. Kozlovskii 
p. 855  
Experimental Investigation of the 
Stability of a Chloroborate Complex 
and Thermodynamic Description of Aqueous 
Species in the B-Na-Cl-O-H System up to 350°C 
N. N. Akinfiev, M. V. Voronin, A. V. Zotov, 
and V. Yu. Prokof'ev 
p. 867    

Titanium Complexation in Hydrothermal Systems 
B. N. Ryzhenko, N. I. Kovalenko, and 
N. I. Prisyagina 
p. 879  
Metals, Arsenic, and Sulfur in the Aue 
and Eibenstock Granites, Erzgebirge 
Vikt. L. Barsukov, N. T. Sokolova, 
and O. M. Ivanitskii p. 896  

Prediction of the Phase State of 
Hydrocarbon Accumulations 
in the Mesozoic Deposits of Northwestern Siberia 
S. A. Punanova and T. L. Vinogradova 
p. 912  

Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the
Composition of Oils from the Bazhenovskaya
Formation in the Latitudinal Segment 
of the Ob River Area 
O. F. Stasova, A. I. Larichev, 
and N. I. Larichkina 
p. 925  

Short Communications

Chloride-Carbonate Nodules in Kimberlites from the Udachnaya Pipe: Alternative Approach to the Evolution of Kimberlite Magmas V. S. Kamenetsky, V. V. Sharygin, M. B. Kamenetsky, and A. V. Golovin p. 935   A Geochemical Approach to Parent Rocks of the Masatdagi Diasporic Bauxite, Alanya, Antalya, Southern Turkey S. Temur p. 941