Geochemistry International, 2002, V 40, N 9, September.

Mechanisms of Isotopic Heterogeneity Generation by Shock Waves
in the Primary Matter of the Solar System G. K. Ustinova p. 827

Geochemistry of Peraluminous Rare-Metal Leucogranites:
Evolutionary Petrochemical Trend and Correlation between Trace Elements L. S. Borodin and L. N. Ginzburg p. 843

Mantle Origin of the Pana Tundra Layered Mafic Intrusion: Evidence
from Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr Data E. S. Bogomolov, V. F. Gusev, and S. I. Turchenko p. 855

Genesis and Composition of Spinellide and Related Mineral Assemblages
in Greisenized Magnesian Skarn and Dolomite at the Hsianghualing Deposit,
the People’s Republic of China S. M. Aleksandrov and V. G. Senin p. 860

Changes of Standard Thermodynamic Functions for the Reactions
of Formation of Crystalline Compounds in the Systems
Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ // Cl-, frame1frame2H2O and Na+, K+ // Cl-, frame4, Hframe5, frame6frame7H2O at 25°C M. V. Charykova p. 874

Gas Concentrations in Minerals with Reference to the Problem
of the Genesis of Hydrocarbon Gases in Rocks of the Khibiny and Lovozero Complexes V. A. Nivin p. 883

Biomarkers of Organic Matter in Maykop Rocks and Oils
of the Caucasian–Scythian Region O. K. Bazhenova, N. P. Fadeeva, M.-L. Saint-Germes, O. A. Aref’ev, and F. Baudin p. 899

Short Communications

Some Features of Nitrogen Release from Presolar Diamond Fractions
of the Efremovka Meteorite A. V. Fisenko, A. B. Verchovsky, L. F. Semenova, and C. T. Pillinger p. 914

Geochemical Indications of Earthquakes in a System of Interrelated Oscillators A. A. Belyaev p. 919uote


The Third International Conference on Physicochemical and Petrophysical Studies
in the Earth Sciences E. B. Lebedev, Yu. S. Genshaft, and A. V. Zharikov p. 924