Geochemistry International, 2001, V 39, N 9.
The Structure of the Layered Complex of the Voikar Ophiolite Association (Polar
Urals) as an Indicator of Mantle Processes beneath a Back-Arc Sea
E. V. Sharkov, A. V. Chistyakov, and E. E. Laz'ko
p. 831
Geochemistry of Rocks from Volcanic-Plutonic Associations
at the Karamken Gold-Silver Deposit, Russian Northeast
M. N. Zakharov and R. G. Kravtsova
p. 848
Speciation of Fe(II) in H2O-HCl-(CO2) Fluid at 500-600°C and a Pressure of 2
B. R. Tagirov and M. A. Korjinskiy
p. 857
On the Possibility of Analytical Determination
of Structurally Bound Gold in Sulfide Minerals
V. L. Tauson, A. Salikhov, J. Matschullat, N. V. Smagunov,
O. I. Bessarabova, V. I. Men'shikov, and I. Yu. Parkhomenko
p. 864
Rate-Controlling Stages of the Migration of Water-Soluble Radionuclide Species
in Soils
V. V. Dolin
p. 873
A Study of Particle Fluxes in the Southeastern Pacific, a Fore-Arc Spreading
V. N. Lukashin, V. P. Shevchenko, A. P. Lisitsyn, E. G. Arashkevich,
and A. B. Isaeva
p. 884
Distribution, Fractionation, and Fluxes of the Rare-Earth Elements
in the Suspended Matter-Bottom Sediment System in the Mekong
and Saigon River Estuaries, South China Sea
V. V. Anikiev, A. I. Botsul, O. V. Dudarev, G. M. Kolesov,
D. Yu. Sapozhnikov, and E. N. Shumilin
p. 897
Hydrocarbons in the Northern Barents Sea
I. A. Nemirovskaya
p. 908
Short Communications
Two Types of Lower Continental Crust in the Northern Baltic Shield
V. R. Vetrin
p. 917
Oxygen Isotopic Ratios in Metavolcanic Rocks of the Archean Greenstone Belts of
Central Karelia
I. P. Novitskii and N. I. Medvedovskaya
p. 920
Partitioning and Valence State of Copper in Synthetic Analogues
of Volcanic Rocks under Reduced High-Temperature Conditions
N. A. Durasova, L. N. Kochnova, and V. K. Belyaeva
p. 924
H2O+ in Rocks and Quartz from Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposits
R. G. Kravtsova and L. G. Trufanova
p. 928