Geochemistry International, 2000, V 38, N 8.

On the Influence of Mass Proportions of Reacting Rock and Water
on the Chemical Composition of Natural Aqueous Solutions in Systems Open to
B. N. Ryzhenko and S. R. Krainov 
p. 725  

Zinc in Spinels of Peridotite Xenoliths from Pliocene Basanites
of the Vitim Volcanic Field
K. D. Litasov and A. S. Mekhonoshin 
p. 738  

Fluorine and Chlorine Distribution in Rocks of the Il'menskie Gory Complex
I. N. Bushlyakov 
p. 744  

Thermodynamic Models for Deposition of Pb-Zn Veins
M. V. Borisov 
p. 750  

Boron-Tin Mineralization in Contact Aureole at Brooks Mountain,
Alaska, the USA: Composition and Geochemical Evidence for Genesis
S. M. Aleksandrov, M. A. Troneva, and G. E. Kuril'chikova 
p. 772

Gold Distribution in the Granitoid Rocks of the Main Granite Belt of the
Southern Urals
G. I. Samarkin and E. Ya. Samarkina 
p. 788  

Some Features of the Carbon Cycle in the Phanerozoic
R. E. Prilutskii 
p. 799  

Short Communications

Metamorphic Genesis of Alpine-Type Hyperbasites: Oxygen Isotopic Evidence A. V. Ukhanov and V. I. Ustinov p. 807 Results of the Preliminary Analysis of Integrated Geochemical Signs of Earthquakes A. A. Belyaev p. 811 Minerals of Columbite-Tantalite Series as Nb and Ta Carriers in Weathered Granitoids of the Adui Pluton, the Urals, Russia N. A. Grigor'ev p. 817 On the Role of Natural Radioactivity in the Evolution of the Primary Organic Matter of Shungite Rocks O. K. Fomin and M. M. Filippov p. 822 Estimating Errors in the Parameters of the Best-Fit Straight Line Drawn through Data Points in Geochemical Studies V. A. Alekseev p. 827