Geochemistry International, 2006, V 44, N 8, August.
Geochemical Balance of Ca and Mg during Sedimentation.
Part 1. Balance of Fluxes in the Geochemical
Cycle of Ca, Mg, and CO2
A. A. Yaroshevsky
p. 741
Melt Evolution during the Crystallization of
Basanites of the Tergesh Pipe,
Northern Minusinsk Depression
T. Yu. Timina, V. V. Sharygin, and A. V. Golovin
p. 752
Kimberlites and Related Rocks of the Arkhangel'sk
Diamondiferous Province and Adjacent Areas:
A Comparative Petrogeochemical Analysis
A. V. Lapin and E. M. Verichev
p. 771
Late Mesozoic Collisional Granitoids of the
Upper Amur Area: New Geochemical Data
V. E. Strikha
p. 791
Hydroextrusion as a Possible Mechanism
for the Ascent of Diapirs,
Domes, and Mantle Plumes
V. N. Anfilogov and Yu. V. Khachai
p. 808
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics
and Predicted Reserves of Gold-Base Metal Ore
Mineralization in Southern Armenia and Northwestern Iran
A. A. Matveev, E. M. Spiridonov, S. V. Grigoryan,
S. Kh. Tabatabaei, and S. V. Filimonov
p. 814
Organic Compounds in the Snow-Ice
Cover of Eastern Antarctica
I. A. Nemirovskaya
p. 825
Short Communications
Genesis of Dawsonite Mineralization:
Thermodynamic Analysis and Alternatives
B. N. Ryzhenko
p. 835
Low-Temperature Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic
Properties of Natural Annite
I. E. Paukov, Yu. A. Kovalevskaya,
I. A. Kiseleva, and T. N. Shuriga
p. 841