Geochemistry International, 2001, V 39, N 8, August.

New Data on Cs and Rb Distribution between Potassium Feldspar and Alkaline 
Fluid: A Study of the “Trapping Effect”
V. L. Tauson, V. K. Taroev, V. V. Akimov, J. Gottlicher, H. Pentinghaus,
and A. Rocholl
p. 725 

Multiple Gabbro–Granite Intrusive Series of the Syrostan Pluton, Southern Urals: Geochemistry and Petrology V. S. Popov, N. F. Nikiforova, V. I. Bogatov, S. M. Lyapunov, and P. L. Tikhomirov p. 732

The Role of Sodium in the Mechanism of Interaction of Sodium Silicate Melt with Aqueous Fluid: Evidence from 1H and 23Na NMR V. O. Zavel’sky and T. P. Salova p. 748

Compositional Evolution of Mesozoic Basalts in Northern Transbaikalia F. M. Stupak p. 755

Low-Temperature Oceanic Ferromanganese Mineral Deposition: The Formation of Chemical and Mineralogical Compositions and the Synthesis and Sorption Properties of Manganese Oxide–Hydroxides A. A. Morozov, G. V. Novikov, and L. N. Kulikova p. 764

Geochemical Characteristics and Origin of Natural Gas in Southern Iran E. M. Galimov and A. R. Rabbani p. 780

Geochemical Features of Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of Andaman Basin (the Northeastern Part of the Indian Ocean) T. G. Chernova, Yu. I. Pikovskii, T. A. Alekseeva, and P. S. Rao p. 793

Modeling of Kerogen Formation with the Use of Phospholipid Liposomes S. I. Uskov, N. N. Rokosova, Yu. V. Rokosov, and N. V. Bodoev p. 805

Short Communications

Mantle Component in Proterozoic Granitoids: Evidence from He Isotopes in Rocks and Minerals V. R. Vetrin, I. L. Kamensky, and S. V. Ikorsky p. 814

Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Water Vapor in the Middle Stratosphere A. L. Devirts and B. I. Ogorodnikov p. 818

Rb–Sr Mixing Pseudoisochrons V. L. Andreichev p. 821

Redox Conditions of the Crystallization of Melilitic Rocks E. A. Chernysheva and O. Yu. Belozerova p. 824