Geochemistry International, 2001, V 39, N 5, May.

Subalkaline Picrobasalts and Plateau Basalts from the Putorana Plateau
(Siberian Continental Flood Basalt Province):
I. Mineral Compositions and Geochemistry of Major and Trace Elements
I. D. Ryabchikov, Th. Ntaflos, A. Büchl, and I. P. Solovova
p. 415  

Subalkaline Picrobasalts and Plateau Basalts from the Putorana Plateau
(Siberian Continental Flood Basalt Province):
II. Melt Inclusion Chemistry, Composition of "Primary" Magmas
and P-T Regime at the Base of the Superplume
D. Ryabchikov, I. P. Solovova, Th. Ntaflos, A. Büchl, and P. Tikhonenkov 
p. 432

Composition of Magmas of the 1996 Eruption
at the Karymskii Volcanic Center, Kamchatka: Evidence from Melt Inclusions
M. L. Tolstykh, V. B. Naumov, A. Yu. Ozerov, and N. N. Kononkova
p. 447  

Two-Mica Granites in the Neosome of the Rikolatvi Agmatite Structure
T. F. Shcherbakova 
p. 459  

Geochemistry and Origin of Leucocratic Rocks
of the Epilchik Zoned Mafic-Ultramafic Massif (Southeastern Koryakia)
A. B. Osipenko and G. V. Ledneva 
p. 467  

Crystal Chemistry of Cr-Spinel from the Imandra Layered Pluton, Kola
T. S. Zaitseva, G. N. Goncharov, V. N. Gittsovich, and V. G. Semenov 
p. 479  

Derived Granitoids and Their Lower Crustal Residue: Numerical Simulation
of the Collision-Related Pliocene Tyrnyauz Granites, Greater Caucasus
O. M. Rosen 
p. 487  

Short Communications

On Possible Changes in Atomic Nuclei under Extremal Conditions V. A. Alekseev, D. D. Badyukov, V. D. Gorin, E. A. Kozlov, E. M. Kolesnikov, L. M. Lebedeva, M. A. Nazarov, and L. F. Timofeeva p. 506 Isotope Characteristics of Crustal and Mantle Heterogeneities with Applications to Their Timing and Depth of Formation B. A. Blyuman p. 510 On the Mechanism of Phosphorus Accumulation in Oceanic Iron-Manganese Nodules A. V. Savenko p. 516