Geochemistry International, 2005, V 43, N 4, April.

Chemical Differentiation of the Galilean
Satellites of Jupiter: 3. Models of the 
Callisto Internal Structure 
V. A. Kronrod and O. L. Kuskov 
p. 315   

Geochemistry of Basalts from Kunashir 
and Iturup Islands: A Role for Nonsubduction
Factors in the Genesis of Kuril Island Arc Magmas 
Yu. A. Martynov, S. I. Dril’, A. A. Chashchin,
A. V. Rybin, and A. Yu. Martynov 
p. 328   

Geochemistry of Volatile Components during
Metamorphism and Granitization: 3. Physicochemical
Modeling of the Enderbitization of Basic Schists 
T. P. Gantimurova, V. A. Bychinskii, 
V. A. Makrygina, and Z. I. Petrova† 
p. 343   

Geochemical Characteristics and Typomorphism 
of Olivine from Heterogeneous Ultramafic Rocks 
F. P. Lesnov , A. I. Chernyshov , 
and V. E. Istomin 
p. 354   

Directional Crystallization of Fe–Ni 
Sulfide Melts within the Crystallization 
Field of Monosulfide Solid Solution 
V. I. Kosyakov and E. F. Sinyakova 
p. 372   

Kinetics of H2O–CO2 Molecular Exchange 
in the Structural Channels of (Mg, Fe2+)-Cordierite 
T. A. Bul’bak , G. Yu. Shvedenkov, 
and O. I. Ripinen 
p. 386   

Methane Flows from Cold Methane Seeps
in the Black and Norwegian Seas: 
Quantitative Estimates 
A. Yu. Lein 
p. 395   

Short Communications

On the Formation of Growth Sector Zoning in Izomorphous Mixed Crystals V. L. Tauson p. 410   Experimental Study of the Transformations of Iron and Aluminum Phosphates at the River–Sea Geochemical Barrier A. V. Savenko p. 414