Geochemistry International, 2008, V 46, N 3.

Alkaline Granites and Be (Phenakite–Bertrandite) 
Mineralization: An Example
of the Orot and Ermakovka Deposits 
F. G. Reyf 
p. 213   

Geochemical Evolution of Sb Migration 
Species in Carbonate and Thermal Waters 
in Relation to Sb Hydrogenic Mineralization 
S. R. Krainov†, B. N. Ryzhenko, 
and E. V. Cherkasova 
p. 233   

Accumulation and Fractionation of Trace 
Elements in Soil Ferromanganese
Nodules of Different Size 
Ya. O. Timofeeva 
p. 260   

Amphibolites and Basic Metasomatites 
of the Belomorian Belt:
Similarities and Differences 
T. F. Shcherbakova and E. N. Terekhov 
p. 268   

Development of the Chemical Characteristics of Ground Water 
at the Delta of the Selenga River 
A. M. Plyusnin, L. B. Kislitsina, D. I. Zhambalova, 
E. G. Peryazeva, and Yu. N. Udodov 
p. 288   

Short Communications
Unusual Inclusions in Garnet from the Diamond-Bearing Gneiss of the Erzgebirge, Germany A. L. Perchuk p. 296   Mineral and Chemical Composition and Genesis of Hinis Metagabbro (Eastern Anatolia—Turkey) F. Oner p. 304   Genetic Features of Gold and Silver Deposits from the Western Verkhoyansk Area: Fluid Inclusion and Isotope Data V. V. Aristov, M. M. Konstantiov, S. G. Kryazhev, and V. I. Ustinov p. 313