Geochemistry International, 2001, V 39, N 3, March.

Geochemistry of Gabbro and Granitoids in the Magadan Massif
M. N. Zakharov, R. G. Kravtsova, and N. V. Andreeva 
p. 211

Genesis of Karelian Shungite with Reference to Its Distinctive Structural
V. I. Berezkin 
p. 220  

Geochemistry and Genesis of Carbonado from Yakutian Diamond Deposits
S. V. Titkov, A. I. Gorshkov, S. F. Vinokurov, L. V. Bershov,
D. I. Solodov, and A. V. Sivtsov 
p. 228  

Carbon Isotopic Composition of the Hydrocarbon Fluids
of the South Caspian Megadepression
I. S. Guliev, A. A. Feizullaev, and D. A. Guseinov 
p. 237

Carbon Geochemistry of Natural Apatites: Evidence from Physicochemical
L. G. Gilinskaya, T. N. Grigor'eva, Yu. N. Zanin,
T. A. Korneva, and V. N. Stolpovskaya 
p. 244  

Evolution of Bubble Size Distribution during the Gradual Degassing
of Granitic Melt: Experimental Data
A. G. Simakin and T. P. Salova 
p. 258  

Etching of Diamond Crystals in a Dry Silicate Melt at High P-T Parameters
V. M. Sonin, E. I. Zhimulev, I. I. Fedorov, A. A. Tomilenko, and
A. I. Chepurov 
p. 268  

Modeling of the Temperature Dependence of the Excess Properties
of Mixing of Feldspars
P. A. Petukhov 
p. 275  

Contemporary Geoecological Situation in the Sea of Japan:
Vladivostok-Niigata Cross Section Case Area
V. V. Anikiev, O. V. Dudarev, and G. M. Kolesov 
p. 281  

Short Communications

Speciation and Activity Coefficients of Am(III) and Np(V) in Seawater O. S. Pokrovskii p. 296 Comparative Analysis of Chemical Compositions of Contemporary and Buried Soils in Cisaralia A. Zh. Zhumamuratov, B. I. Ibragimov, Sh. Kh. Khatamov, T. P. Rakhmanova, T. S. Tillaev, and N. S. Osinskaya p. 300 Influence of the Degree of Oxygen-Silicon Framework Bonding on Properties of Silicate Glasses at High Pressures R. G. Kuryaeva and V. A. Kirkinskii p. 307