Geochemistry International, 2008, V 46, N 2.

Mechanism of Water Dissolution in Sodium–Silicate 
Melts and Glasses: Structural Interpretation
of Spectroscopic Data 
A. G. Simakin, T. P. Salova, and V. O. Zavelsky 
p. 107   

Distribution of Radioactive Cs and Trace 
Elements in the Lichen–Substrate System 
and in the Lichen Body 
V. D. Strakhovenko, E. I. Khozhina, 
and B. L. Shcherbov 
p. 116   

Petrogeochemistry of Rocks of the Ulitarechka 
Sequence, a New Upper Archean Lithostratigraphic 
Unit in the Central Part of the Kola Peninsula 
V. V. Chashchin 
p. 125   

Composition, P-T Parameters, and Metasomatic 
Transformations of Mafic Schists 
of the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula, Eastern Baikal Area 
V. A. Makrygina, Z. I. Petrova, A. A. Koneva, 
and L. F. Suvorova 
p. 140   

Composition and Genesis of the Organic Matter 
in the Bottom Sediments of the East Siberian Sea 
A. A. Vetrov, I. P. Semiletov, O. V. Dudarev, 
V. I. Peresypkin, and A. N. Charkin 
p. 156   

Short Communications
Age of the Earth’s Crust and the Nd Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Sources of East Antarctic Complexes E. V. Mikhalsky p. 168   Kinetics of Silica Precipitation on Quartz Seed Crystals at 200°C V. A. Alekseyev, L. S. Medvedeva, and N. P. Starshinova p. 175   Techniques for the Calculation of Consistent Low-Temperature Thermodynamic Data for Compounds V. A. Bychinskii, Zh. V. Kostyanetskaya, K. V. Chudnenko, A. A. Tupitsin, and Yu. I. Sidorov† p. 182   Enthalpy of Formation of Ruthenium Disulfide and Diarsenide from Elements T. A. Stolyarova p. 187   Concentrating Function of Plankton and the Residence Time of Dissolved Species of Chemical Elements in the Ocean V. S. Savenko p. 190   Chronicle Seventh Conference on Physicochemical and Petrophysical Studies in Earth Sciences E. B. Lebedev, Yu. S. Genshaft, and A. V. Zharikov p. 193 Annual Seminar on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry of 2007 O. A. Lukanin and T. I. Tsekhonya p. 198