Geochemistry International, 2006, V 44, N 12, December.
Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from Transform Margins: Evidence
from the Alchan Basin, Northwestern Primorie
V. P. Simanenko, V. V. Golozubov, and V. G. Sakhno
p. 1157
Experimental Modeling of the Transformation of H2O-CO2-CH4
Inclusions during Isobaric Cooling and Isothermal Compression
O. V. Vasyukova and V. I. Fonarev
p. 1170
Silicate and Salt Melts in the Genesis of the Industrial’noe Tin Deposit:
Evidence from Inclusions in Minerals
V. B. Naumov and V. S. Kamenetsky
p. 1181
Modeling of Geochemical Processes Occurred
during the Formation of the Schlema Deposit, Erzgebirge.
II. Formation of Pre-Uranium Veins
Vikt. L. Barsukov
p. 1191
Radiogeochemical Studies of the Features of
Radionuclide Distribution at the Sites of Dumping
of Radioactive Wastes of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago
O. V. Stepanets, L. A. Kodina, A. N. Ligaev,
A. P. Borisov, and G. Yu. Solov’eva
p. 1215
Contribution of Erosion and Intrusive-Hydrothermal
Activity to the Depth Profile of Organic Matter
Maturation in Sedimentary Basins
Yu. I. Galushkin and M. Makhous
p. 1225
Short Communications
Rare Earth Elements in the Ores of Epithermal
Gold-Silver and Silver Deposits,
Russia’s Northeast
R. G. Kravtsova and Ya. A. Almaz
p. 1237
Growth Rate of the {0001} and {011} Faces
of Quartz as a Function of Temperature
G. T. Ostapenko and B. M. Mitsyuk
p. 1243
Deposition of Gold on Kaolinite Surfaces from Au Solution
Hong Hanlie and Tie Liyun
p. 1246
Chronicle of the Sixth Conference “Physicochemical and Petrophysical
Studies in Earth Sciences”(Moscow, October 3-5, 2005)
E. B. Lebedev, Yu. S. Genshaft, and A. V. Zharikov
p. 1250
Contents of Volume 44, 2006
p. 1257
Author Index to Volume 44, 2006
p. 1265