Geochemistry International, 2005, V 43, N 12.
Sources of Material and Genesis of Granitic Pegmatites
of the Oshurkovskii Alkaline Monzonite Massif, Transbaikalia
B. A. Litvinovsky, V. V. Yarmolyuk, A. N. Zanvilevich,
M. G. Shadaev, A. V. Nikiforov, and V. F. Posokhov
p. 1149
Rare Earth Elements, Thorium, and Scandium in Jurassic Basins
of the Caucasus Geosynclinal Region
Yu. P. Girin
p. 1168
Mossbauer Study of Iron in Minerals from the Wall-Rock Zone
of the Kusa Ilmenite–Magnetite Deposit, Southern Urals
S. L. Votyakov, N. S. Borodina, S. V. Pribavkin, V. V. Kholodnov,
G. B. Fershtater, O. L. Galakhova, and A. B. Mironov
p. 1180
Physicochemical Models for the Behavior of Transuranic
Elements in Natural Waters
Vikt. L. Barsukov and M. V. Borisov
p. 1192
Fluid–Rock Interaction near Large Vein Bodies: Isotopic Evidence
M. Yu. Spasennykh, S. S. Matveeva, and T. M. Sushchevskaya
p. 1217
Errors of the Double Spiking Technique
in the Isotopic Analysis of Common Lead
N. N. Mel’nikov
p. 1228
Short Communications
Estimation of the Rate of Postcrystallization Self-Purification
of Diamond from Metal Inclusions in the Earth’s Mantle
I. I. Fedorov, A. I. Chepurov, A. A. Chepurov,
and A. V. Kuroedov
p. 1235
Uranium–Lead Dating of Late Magmatites and Rare-Metal
Metasomatites in the Northern Baikal Volcanoplutonic Belt
V. N. Sobachenko†, E. V. Bibikova, T. I. Kirnozova,
V. V. Buldygerov, G. P. Sandimirova, L. V. Kushch,
and V. A. Makrygina
p. 1240
Methodological Approaches to the Assessment of Gold Fineness
during Thermodynamic Modeling of Hydrothermal Systems
G. A. Pal’yanova, Yu. V. Shvarov, G. P. Shironosova,
and Yu. V. Laptev
p. 1247
Method of Separation of Diatom Frustules from Bottom
Sediments for Oxygen Isotopic Analysis and Paleoclimatic
G. V. Kalmychkov, S. S. Kostrova, V. F. Geletii,
L. L. Tkachenko, and V. I. Rakhlin
p. 1252
Author Index to Volume 43, 2005
p. 1255
Contents of Volume 43, 2005
p. 1258