Geochemistry International, 2007, V 45, N 11, November.

High-Precision Pb Isotope Analysis by 
Using 205Tl/203Tl Normalization: 
Optimization and Calibration 
of the Method for the Studies
of Pb Isotope Variations 
I. V. Chernyshev, A. V. Chugaev, 
and K. N. Shatagin 
p. 1065    

 Compositional Heterogeneity of the 
Continental Lithospheric Mantle beneath
the Early Precambrian and Phanerozoic 
Structures: Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths 
in Kimberlites and Alkaline Basalts 
V. A. Glebovitsky, L. P. Nikitina, 
A. K. Saltykova, N. O. Ovchinnikov, M. S. Babushkina,
K. N. Egorov, and I. V. Ashchepkov 
p. 1077    

 Geochemistry of Water-Rock Interaction 
in the Area of the Khibiny Alkaline Massif 
O. B. Dudkin and S. S. Sandimirova 
p. 1103  
 Uranium(VI) in Aqueous Solutions at 
25°C and a Pressure of 1 bar: Insight
from Experiments and Calculations 
A. F. Redkin and S. A. Wood 
p. 1111  
 Experimental Modeling of Platinum    
Behavior under Hydrothermal Conditions (300-500°C) 
and 1 kbar 
L. P. Plyusnina, G. G. Likhoidov, and Zh. A. Shcheka 
p. 1124    

 Isotopic-Geochemical Characteristics of the 
Lost City Hydrothermal Field 
E. O. Dubinina, I. V. Chernyshev, N. S. Bortnikov, 
A. Yu. Lein, A. M. Sagalevich, 
Yu. V. Gol'tsman, E. D. Bairova, and A. V. Mokhov  
p. 1131    

Short Communications
 On the Reliability of Estimates of the 
Average Chemical Composition
of the Upper Continental Crust and River Discharge 
A. A. Yaroshevskii 
p. 1144    

 Mechanism of Au Incorporation into 
Cd Sulfide: Evidence
from Au Partition between CdS and Ag2S 
V. L. Tauson, N. V. Smagunov, V. A. Datkov, 
and T. M. Pastushkova 
p. 1146    

 Organic Facies Variation from 
Well Data on the Cudi Group,
the Eastern Part of SE Turkey 
N. Yalcin Erik and O. Ozcelik 
p. 1152    

 Petroleum Geochemistry, Offshore SE Iran
A. R. Rabbani 
p. 1164