Geokhimiya, 2006, V 44, N 11.

 Biogeochemistry of the Russian Arctic. 
 Kara Sea: Research Results  under the SIRRO Project, 1995-2003 
 E. M. Galimov, L. A. Kodina, O. V. Stepanets, 
 and G. S. Korobeinik  
 p. 1053
 Ultramafic Rocks from the Markov Deep in the Rift Valley
 of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 
 G. N. Savel`eva, N. S. Bortnikov, A. A. Peyve, 
 and S. G. Skolotnev 
 p. 1105
 Microinclusions in Dark Gray Diamond Crystals of
 Octahedral Habit  from Yakutian Kimberlites 
 S. V. Titkov, A. I. Gorshkov, N. G. Zudin, 
 I. D. Ryabchikov, L. O. Magazina, and A. V. Sivtsov 
 p. 1121  

 Geochemical Structure of Base-Metal Filling 
 Veins and Parameters  of Hydrothermal Ore Formation 
 M. V. Borisov, D. A. Bychkov, and Yu. V. Shvarov 
 p. 1129  

Short Communications

Geochemical Aspects of Supramolecular Chemistry A. B. Ptitsyn p. 1148 Thermodynamic Properties of the Lithium Mica Polylithionite L. P. Ogorodova, I. A. Kiseleva, L. V. Mel`chakova, and T. N. Shuriga p. 1151 Guide for Authors p. 1154