Geochemistry International, 2000, V 38, N 10, October.

Differentiation Caused by Impact-Induced Vaporization during the Earth's
O. I. Yakovlev, Yu. P. Dikov, and M. V. Gerasimov 
p. 937

Correlation Analysis of Statistic Distributions of Ages and Orbits of
Ordinary Chondrites
V. A. Alekseev and G. K. Ustinova 
p. 955  

Variations in Isotopic and Trace-Element Composition of Lavas from
Volcanoes of the Northern Group, Kamchatka, in Relation to Specific
Features of Subduction
O. N. Volynets, A. D. Babanskii, and Yu. V. Gol'tsman 
p. 974

Plagiomigmatization of Amphibolites in the Mainitsk Structural Zone of the
Koryak Highland
T. F. Shcherbakova and A. A. Beus 
p. 990  

Melilite Rocks in the Alkaline-Ultrabasic Complexes
of the Northwestern Siberia: Petrochemistry, Geochemistry, and Origin
I. T. Rass 
p. 1003  

Rare Earth Elements in Rocks, Metasomatites, and Ore Bodies
of the Zun-Kholbo Ore-Magmatic System (Eastern Sayan)
V. I. Grebenshchikova and Yu. V. Maksimchuk 
p. 1013  

Short Communications

Composition of Magmas which Formed Dacite of Dikii Greben' Volcano (Southern Kamchatka): Evidence from the Study of Melt Inclusions M. L. Tolstykh, V. B. Naumov, and N. N. Kononkova p. 1020 Synthesis and Refinement of Unit Cell Parameters for Sodium-Potassium Zirconium-Phosphate Solid Solutions: Na(1[frame0]x)KxZr2(PO4)3 A. R. Kotel'nikov, A. M. Koval'skii, A. V. Chichagov, A. I. Orlova, and V. I. Pet'kov p. 1026 Osmium Isotope Characteristics of Platinum Group Minerals (PGM) from Placer Occurrences of the Soldatskii Ultramafic Complex, Kamchatskii Mys Peninsula, Eastern Kamchatka A. I. Kostoyanov, E. A. Landa, B. A. Markovskii, A. B. Osipenko, and E. G. Sidorov p. 1031 Determination of a Wide Range of Trace Elements in Oil Objects S. A. Veshev, K. I. Stepanov, and T. N. Vasil'eva p. 1035