Geochemistry International, 2006, V 44, N 10, October.
Geochemical Structure of the Yoko-Dovyren Layered
Dunite-Troctolite-Gabbro-Norite Massif, Northern Baikal Area
A. A. Yaroshevskii, S. V. Bolikhovskaya, and
E. V. Koptev-Dvornikov
p. 953
Geochemistry and Formation Conditions of
Rare-Metal Granites with Various
Fluorine-Bearing Minerals (Fluorite, Topaz, and Cryolite)
V. S. Antipin, E. A. Savina, and M. A. Mitichkin
p. 965
Genesis and Composition of Lazurite in Magnesian Skarns
S. M. Aleksandrov and V. G. Senin
p. 976
Types of Anion-Cation Packing of Mineral Surfaces
and Their Manifestation in Various Processes
N. D. Samotoin and L. O. Magazina
p. 989
Mechanisms of Isomorphic Substitution in Quartz
L. T. Rakov
p. 1004
Geochemistry of Sodic Waters in the Datong
Intermountain Basin,
Shanxi Province, Northwestern China
S. L. Shvartsev and Yanxing Wang
p. 1015
Short Communications
Genetic Aspects in the Generation of Oil Alkanes
V. I. Semkin
p. 1027
Determining Heat Flows and Radiogenic Heat
Generation in the Crust and Lithosphere
Based on Seismic Data and Surface Heat Flows
V. A. Kronrod and O. L. Kuskov
p. 1035
Systematic Differences between U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar
Dates: Reasons and Evaluation Techniques
A. V. Ivanov
p. 1041
Experimental Study of the Effect of High Pressure
and High Temperature on Silicate and
Oxide Inclusions in Diamonds
I. I. Fedorov, A. I. Chepurov, V. M. Sonin,
and E. I. Zhimulev
p. 1048