Geochemistry International, 2003, V 41, N 10, October.

Structural and Morphological Evidence of the Impact-Induced Development 
of Diamond after Graphite in the Novo-Urei Meteorite 
A. A. Valter, H. S. Oleynik, A. V. Fisenko, and L. F. Semenova 
p. 939  

Effect of Water on the Melting Curves of Minerals: 
The Olivine–Melt Equilibrium 
A. P. Maksimov 
p. 947  

Evolution of the Mineral Composition of Pelitic
and Psammitic Rocks in the Geologic History of Continents 
A. A. Migdisov†, N. V. Bredanova, 
O. M. Rozen, and A. A. Abbyasov 
p. 959  

Gold in the Earth’s Crust and Upper Mantle of Tajikistan 
B. V. Gavrilenko and V. E. Minaev 
p. 979  

Isotopic and Biogeochemical Characteristics of Tabular Ground Ice 
on the Yugorskii and Yamal Peninsulas 
A. Yu. Lein, M. O. Leibman, A. S. Savvichev, 
Yu. M. Miller, and N. V. Pimenov 
p. 993  

Cadmium Adsorption on Hematite 
S. A. Pivovarov and L. Z. Lakshtanov 
p. 1013  

Short Communications

Analysis of Osmium Isotope Ratios by ICP-MS on Chemical Etching of Molybdenite as Applied to the Re–Os Dating with Preliminary Neutron Activation A. V. Ivanov and S. V. Palesskii p. 1028 Uranium in Aluminum Phosphate Zones of Karst Phosphorites from Southern Siberia Yu. N. Zanin and A. V. Dar’in p. 1033 Geochemical Fields of Trace Element Distribution as an Indicator of the Oil-and-Gas Potential of Poorly Studied Areas of the Yurubchen–Tokhom Zone A. I. Surnin, A. I. Larichev, Yu. G. Gladkii, G. E. Polyakova, and A. S. Cherevko p. 1039