Geokhimiya, 2002, V 40, N 10, October.

Two Pyroxene–Garnet Equilibria in the Na2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 System 
at 2–5 GPa Pressure 
V. K. Bulatov, I. D. Ryabchikov, and G. P. Brey 
p. 929   

Balance of H2O and Cl between the Earth’s Mantle and Outer Shells 
V. I. Kovalenko, V. B. Naumov, V. V. Yarmolyuk, 
V. A. Dorofeeva, and A. A. Migdisov 
p. 943   

Estimation of Chemical and Phase Characteristics for the Initial Magma
of the Kiglapait Troctolite Intrusion, Labrador, Canada 
G. S. Barmina and A. A. Ariskin 
p. 972   

Interaction of Basalt and Chloride Solutions with Application
to the Mechanism of Silicic Magma Formation 
V. K. Purtov, V. N. Anfilogov, and L. G. Egorova 
p. 984   

Eudialyte as a Mineralogical and Geochemical Indicator 
of Metasomatic Processes in the Formation of Poikilitic Nepheline Syenites 
of the Khibina Massif 
O. A. Ageeva, B. E. Borutskii, and V. V. Khangulov 
p. 997   

Fluorine in Light Micas of Siberian and Mongolian 
Porphyry Copper–Molybdenum Deposits and Its Probable Origin 
V. I. Sotnikov, A. N. Berzina, and A. P. Berzina 
p. 1004   

Specific Features of the Application of Gas Chromatography 
and High-Temperature Electrochemistry for the Estimation
of the Redox State of Minerals from Metamorphic Rocks 
V. O. Khudolozhkin, O. V. Avchenko, I. A. Aleksandrov, and A. S. Kuchma 
p. 1013   

Short Communications

Predictive Correlation Characteristics of Rhythmic Geochemical Zoning A. A. Belyaev p. 1021 Enthalpy of Formation of Creedite Ca3Al2F8.25(OH)1.75(SO4) · 2H2O I. A. Kiseleva, L. P. Ogorodova, L. V. Mel’chakova, and T. I. Getmanskaya p. 1026