Geochemistry International, 2005, V 43, N 1.

Trace Element Partitioning between Rhönite and
Silicate Melt in Cape Verde Volcanics 
L. N. Kogarko, E. Hellebrand, and I. D. Ryabchikov 
p. 1  

Characteristics of Noble Gas Abundances
in Dhofar 015, a New CK Chondrite from Oman 
Yu. A. Shukolyukov, M. A. Nazarov, U. Ott, 
and M. A. Ivanova 
p. 8  

Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks of the 
New Hebrides Trench: 
Evidence of Changes in Geodynamic Regime 
V. Yu. Kolobov, Yu. V. Tikunov, A. V. Travin, 
and V. A. Akimtsev 
p. 29  

Behavior of Rare Earth Elements and
Yttrium during the Final Differentiation Stages
of Fluorine-Bearing Magmas 
E. N. Gramenitskii and T. I. Shchekina 
p. 39  

Geochemistry of Rare-Metal Granites 
and Metasomatic Rocks
in the Main Sayan Fault Zone, 
Southwestern Baikal Area 
V. B. Savel’eva and A. S. Zyryanov 
p. 53  

Trace Elements in Minerals of the 
Khibiny Massif as Indicators 
of Mineral Formation Evolution: 
Results of LA-ICP-MS Study 
A. A. Arzamastsev, F. Bea, L. V. Arzamastseva,
and P. Montero p. 71  

Short Communications Gold Incorporation into Pyrrhotite and the Influence of Nonautonomous Phases on Its Distribution V. L. Tauson, N. V. Smagunov, and T. M. Pastushkova p. 86 Seismic–Emanation Precursors of the Altai Earthquake of September 27, 2003, in the Russian Platform (in the Territory of Moscow) V. P. Rudakov p. 90 Heavy Metals in the Water and Bottom Sediments of the Selenga River Delta Z. I. Khazheeva, S. D. Urbazaeva, A. K. Tulokhonov, A. M. Plyusnin, L. M. Sorokovikova, and V. N. Sinyukovich p. 93 Ionizing Radiation as a Possible Factor of Natural Fullerene Synthesis in Shungitic Rocks O. K. Fomin and M. M. Filippov p. 100