Geology of Ore Deposits, 2019, V. 61, N 7.

Isotopic-Geochemical Systematics (Sm–Nd, Lu–Hf) of 
Neoarchean Subalkaline and Alkaline Rocks of the 
Keivy Structure (Kola Peninsula): Their Age and Genetic Relations
V. R. Vetrin p. 581  

Mineral Systems, Their Types, and Distributions in Nature: 
3. Otto Mountain (USA) and El Dragon (Bolivia) Deposits
V. G. Krivovichev and M. V. Charykova 
p. 589  

Minerals and Mineral Parageneses Comparison of Diamonds from the Rassolninskaya Depression and Modern Alluvial Placers of the Krasnovishersky District (Ural Region) E. A. Vasilev, I. V. Klepikov and L. I. Lukianova p. 598 Parageneses of Garnet Inclusions in Diamonds From Yakutia Kimberlites Based on Raman and IR Spectroscopy Data L. D. Bardukhinov, Z. V. Spetsius, E. V. Kislov, A. S. Ivanov and R. V. Monkhorov p. 606 Accessory Minerals of the Galmoenan Mafic-Ultramafic Massif, Koryak Upland, Kamchatka E. G. Sidorov, E. I. Sandimirova, V. M. Chubarov and V. V. Anan’ev p. 613 Spinel- and Hogbomite-Supergroup Minerals from Sulfide-Free Endogenic Pb–Zn–Sb–As Assemblage in the Pelagonian Massif, Republic of North Macedonia V. N. Ermolaeva, D. A. Varlamov, S. Jancev and N. V. Chukanov p. 628 New Data on Chemical Composition and Vibrational Spectra of Magnetoplumbite-Group Minerals N. V. Chukanov, S. S. Vorobei, V. N. Ermolaeva, D. A. Varlamov, P. Y. Plechov, S. Jancev and A. V. Bovkun p. 637 Namibite from Alakurtti Pegmatites, Kola Region V. V. Borisova, A. V. Voloshin, A. A. Kompanchenko, E. A. Selivanova and A. V. Bazay p. 647 Compositional Variations of Pyrochlore Group Minerals in Ongonite and Zwitter of the Verkhneurmiysky Pluton, Russian Far East V. I. Alekseev and Yu. B. Marin p. 654 Resistance of Fe–Ni–Co Arsenides under Oxidizing Conditions, Schlema–Alberoda Deposit, Saxony, Germany I. A. Sergeeva, E. N. Perova and T. Schlothauer p. 663 On Composition of Meliphanite from Nepheline Syenite Pegmatite of the Sakharjok Massif, Kola Peninsula L. M. Lyalina, G. I. Kadyrova, E. A. Selivanova, A. A. Zolotarev Jr., Ye. E. Savchenko and T. L. Panikorovskii p. 671 Chromceladonite from the Southern Sarany Chromite Deposit (Northern Urals) S. G. Sustavov, D. A. Khanin and E. S. Shagalov p. 680
Mineral Crystallography Esseneite from Xenoliths in Dacite Lavas: Crystal Structure and Genesis O. V. Yakubovich, N. V. Zayakina, O. B. Oleinikov and A. V. Kostin p. 689 Behavior of Catapleiite under Heating and Crystal Structure of its High-Temperature Transformation Product, a New Phase Na6Zr3[Si9O27] with Nine-membered Rings of SiO4 Tetrahedra D. A. Ksenofontov, V. V. Grebenev, N. V. Zubkova, I. V. Pekov, Yu. K. Kabalov, N. V. Chukanov, D. Yu. Pushcharovsky and A. A. Artamonova p. 696