Geology of Ore Deposits, 2014, V 56, N 7.
Evolution of Zircons from Postorogenic Intrusive
Series with Li?F Granites, Russian Far East
V. I. Alekseev, E. V. Polyakova, M. M. Machevariani,
and Yu. B. Marin
p. 513
Pegmatoid Schlieren with Tourmaline in
Granitoids of Eastern Russia As an Attribute
of Intrusive Series Completed by Ore-Bearing Li?F Granites
V. I. Alekseev and Yu. B. Marin
p. 531
The Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites,
and Sulfates in the Oxidation Zone
of Sulfide Ores: VIII. Field of Thermal
Stability of Synthetic Analog
of Chalcomenite, Its Dehydration and Dissociation
E. L. Fokina, E. V. Klimova, M. V. Charykova,
V. G. Krivovichev, N. V. Platonova,
V. V. Semenova, and W. Depmeier
p. 538
Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites,
and Sulfates in the Oxidation Zone of Sulfide Ores.
IX. Physicochemical Formation Conditions
and Thermal Stability of Zinc Selenites
M. V. Charykova, E. L. Fokina, E. V. Klimova,
V. G. Krivovichev, and V. V. Semenova
p. 546
Number of Minerals of Various Chemical Elements:
Statistics 2012
(a New Approach to an Old Problem)
V. G. Krivovichev and M. V. Charykova
p. 553
Arangasite, Al2(PO4)(SO4)F · 7.5H2O, a
New Mineral from the Alyaskitovy Deposit,
Eastern Yakutia, Russia
G. N. Gamyanin, N. V. Zayakina, and
L. T. Galenchikova
p. 560
Hilarionite, (SO4)(AsO4)(OH) · 6H2O, a
New Supergene Mineral from Lavrion, Greece
I. V. Pekov, N. V. Chukanov, V. O. Yapaskurt,
V. S. Rusakov, D. I. Belakovsky,
A. G. Turchkova, P. Voudouris, A. Magganas,
and A. Katerinopoulos
p. 567
Typomorphism of Fluorapatite in the Khibiny
Alkaline Pluton, Kola Peninsula
N. G. Konopleva, G. Yu. Ivanyuk, Ya. A. Pakhomovsky,
V. N. Yakovenchuk, and Yu. A. Mikhailova
p. 576
Fluorbritholite-(Y) and Yttrialite-(Y) from
Silexites of the Keivy Alkali Granites, Kola Peninsula
L. M. Lyalina, D.R. Zozulya, Ye. E. Savchenko,
M. P. Tarasov, E. A. Selivanova, and E. Tarasova