Geology of Ore Deposits, 2002, V 44, N 6, December.

Central Aldan Gold Deposits
V. G. Vetluzhskikh, V. I. Kazansky, A. Ya. Kochetkov, and V. M. Yanovsky 
p. 405  

Geological Characteristics of Gold Deposits in West Africa
V. A. Mikhailov 
p. 435  

Mineralogical-Geochemical Peculiarities of Hydrothermal Sulfide Ores and Fluids
in the Rainbow Field Associated with Serpentinites, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (36°14 N)
Yu. A. Bogdanov, N. S. Bortnikov, I. V. Vikent'ev, A. Yu. Lein, E. G. Gurvich,
A. M. Sagalevich, V. A. Simonov, S. V. Ikorskii, O. O. Stavrova, and
 V. N. Apollonov 
p. 444  

Quantitative Evaluation of Massive Sulfide Ore Formation
E. S. Kontar' 
p. 474  

Variations in the Composition of "Alluvial Platinum"
from Placers of the Southern Koryak Highland (Russia)
A. G. Mochalov, V. P. Zaitsev, Yu. V. Nazimova, A. N. Pertsev,
and E. Yu. Vil'danova 
p. 486  

Author Index to Volume 44, 2002 
p. 499

Contents of Volume 44, 2002 
p. 501