Geology of Ore Deposits, 1998, V 40, N 6.

Mineral Types of Uranium Ores in Sodic Metasomatites, Ukrainian Shield
A. K. Miguta and A. V. Tarkhanov 
p. 429  

Wall Rock Alterations at the Gai Zn–Cu Massive Sulfide Deposit (South
Urals, Russia):
Formation Conditions and Evolution
A. I. Grabezhev, F. P. Buslaev, G. N. Pshenichnyi, A. P.
 Zhukhlistov, and G. V. Pal'gueva 
p. 445  

Types of Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Systems (from Fluid Inclusion Studies)
V. Yu. Prokof'ev 
p. 457  

PGE Ore Potential of the Aldan–Stanovoi Shield
G. A. Stogny and V. V. Stogny 
p. 471  

Granulometric Characteristics of Gold in Ore Deposits of the Northern
Baikal-Patom Highland (Russia)
N. V. Vilor, E. A. Razvozzhaeva, S. I. Prokopchuk, D. Kh.
Martikhaeva, O. T. Sopina,  V. D. Tsykhanskii, V. I. Men'shikov, L. L. Petrov, 
O. I. Bessarabova, and M. G. Kazharskaya 
p. 477  

Model Re–Os Age of Platinum Minerals
A. I. Kostoyanov 
p. 485  

Short Communications

Gold-Bearing Arsenopyrite from Gold Deposits: Internal Structure of Grains, Composition, Mechanism of Growth, and Gold State A. D. Genkin p. 490
Criticism and Bibliography

On Duration and Stages of Hydrothermal Formation of Uranium Deposits in the Strel'tsovsk Ore Field A. G. Rublev and E. P. Bueva p. 497

Aleksei Dmitrievich Shcheglov p. 502
Author Index to Volume 40, 1998 p. 503 Contents of Volume 40, 1998 p. 505