Geology of Ore Deposits, 2004, V 46, N 3.

The Unique Central Aldan Gold–Uranium Ore District (Russia) 
V. I. Kazansky 
p. 167   

Chromatographic Study of Diamond Etching in Kimberlitic Melts 
in the Context of Diamond Natural Stability 
V. M. Sonin, E. I. Zhimulev, A. A. Tomilenko, 
S. A. Chepurov, and A. I. Chepurov 
p. 182   

Shapeless Dark Diamonds (Yakutites) from Placers
of the Siberian Platform and Criteria of Their Impact Origin 
S. V. Titkov, A. I. Gorshkov, L. O. Magazina, 
A. V. Sivtsov, and O. D. Zakharchenko 
p. 191   

Chromite Mineralization in Rocks of the Galmoenan
Mafic–Ultramafic Complex, Koryakiya (Russia) 
E. G. Sidorov, A. B. Osipenko, A. P. Kozlov, 
and A. I. Kostoyanov 
p. 202   

Phase Transformations of Phosphates during
Sedimentation and Genesis of Phosphorites 
V. N. Kholodov 
p. 218   

Critics and Bibliography
A Fundamental Summary of Natural Resources and Ecology in Russia D. V. Rundkvist p. 235