Geology of Ore Deposits, 2001, V 43, N 3.

Deep Geospheres and Ore Genesis
I. D. Ryabchikov 
p. 173  

Temperature Evolution of Pore Solutions in Equilibrium with Rocks
of Various Silica Contents
V. L. Barsukov and B. N. Ryzhenko 
p. 184  

Metasomatic Processes in Ore Deposits in the Mesozoic Intraplate
Activization Areas (Eastern Mongolia and the Transbaikal Region)
O. V. Andreeva and V. A. Golovin 
p. 202  

Evaluation of the Influence of a Highly Permeable Fault on Transport of
Pollutants by the Local Groundwater Flow
V. I. Mal'kovskii and A. A. Pek 
p. 216  

Hydrochemistry and Mobilization of Gold in the Hypergenesis Zone
(Kuznetsk Alatau, Russia)
S. L. Shvartsev and E. M. Dutova 
p. 224  

Karst Role in the Formation of Diamond Placers of the Muno-Markhinskii
Interfluve (Yakutsk Diamond-Bearing Province, Russia)
V. P. Afanas'ev, N. N. Zinchuk, N. P. Pokhilenko, V. F. Krivonos, 
and Yu. T. Yanygin 
p. 234  

Mineral Parageneses and the Origin of Isoferroplatinum Nuggets
from the Ignali Placer Deposit (Siberian Platform)
A. V. Okrugin 
p. 239  


International Uranium Geological Symposium A. K. Miguta and V. N. Shchetochkin p. 251 Problems of Natural and Technogenic Placers and Deposits of Weathering Crusts at the Turn of the Millennium Yu. Yu. Bugel'skii and N. G. Patyk-Kara p. 256