Geology of Ore Deposits, 2017, V 59, N 2.

Low-Sulfide Pge and Nickel Sulfide Metallogeny of 
Paleoproterozoic Riftogenesis of the Fennoscandian Shield
S. I. Turchenko 
p. 103  

New Data for Geology and Geochemistry of the 
Rodion Gold–Quartz Deposit, Northeastern Russia
A. V. Volkov, V. Yu. Prokofiev, E. E. Tyukova, 
V. A. Sidorov, K. Yu. Murashov, N. V. Sidorova 
and M. A. Zemskova 
p. 112  

Tokur Gold Ore–Placer Cluster in Amur Province: 
Geological–Structural Features and Perspective of Its Development
V. A. Stepanov and A. V. Mel’nikov 
p. 131  

Polygenetic and Polychronic Uranium Mineralization 
at Deposits of the Khiagda Ore Field, Buryatia
B. T. Kochkin, N. N. Tarasov, O. V. Andreeva, 
En. E. Asadulin and V. N. Golubev 
p. 141  

Rare Earth and Other Rare Elements in Uranium 
Ores of Paleovalley Deposits in the Vitim District: 
Distribution, Occurrence, and Applied Implications
S. F. Vinokurov, L. O. Magazina and E. A. Strelkova 
p. 156  

Ore-Forming Fluids of Xishimen Skarn Iron Deposit, China
Shi Saidung, V. I. Starostin and V. Yu. Prokofiev 
p. 176