Geology of Ore Deposits, 2012, V 54, N 2, April.

Ore Geochemistry, Zircon Mineralogy, and 
Genesis of the Sakharjok Y-Zr Deposit, 
Kola Peninsula, Russia  
D. R. Zozulya, L. M. Lyalina, N. Eby, 
and Ye. E. Savchenko 
p. 81   
Dispersed Mineralization in Granitic Rocks 
in the Dukat Ore Field, the Russian Northeast:
Sources and Relationship with Epithermal 
Gold-Silver and Silver-Base-Metal Ores  
L. G. Filimonova, N. V. Trubkin, and A. V. Chugaev 
p. 99   
Supergene Processes and Uranium Ore 
Formation in the Ronneburg Ore Field, Germany  
A. V. Bolonin and I. F. Gradovsky 
p. 122   
Forecasting and Prospecting Criteria 
of Au-Bearing Weathering Mantles 
in Southern Siberia, Russia  
Yu. A. Kalinin and N. A. Roslyakov 
p. 132   
Nanoparticles of Noble Metals in the Supergene Zone  
S. M. Zhmodik, Yu.    A. Kalinin, N. A. Roslyakov, 
A. G. Mironov, Yu. L. Mikhlin, D. K. Belyanin, 
N. A. Nemirovskaya, A. M. Spiridonov, G. V. Nesterenko, 
E. V. Airiyants, T. N. Moroz, and T. A. Bul'bak 