Geology of Ore Deposits, 2007, V 49, N 2.

Fluid Composition and Origin in the Hydrothermal System 
of the Nezhdaninsky Gold Deposit, Sakha (Yakutia), Russia 
N. S. Bortnikov, G. N. Gamyanin, O. V. Vikent’eva, 
V. Yu. Prokof’ev,  V. A. Alpatov, and A. G. Bakharev 
p. 87 
New Data on Carbonatites of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky 
Alkaline Complex, the Southern Urals, Russia 
I. L. Nedosekova 
p. 129    

 Physicochemical Formation Conditions of Banded 
Iron Formations and High-Grade Iron Ores in the 
Region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly: 
Evidence from Isotopic Data 
V. I. Belykh, E. I. Dunai, and I. P. Lugovaya 
p. 147    

Short Communications
New Types of Gold-Bearing Structures and Rocks in Ore Fields of the Western Mongolia-Okhotsk Collisional Suture A. V. Tatarinov and L. I. Yalovik p. 160   Criticism and Bibliography Carbonatites and Kimberlites: Geology and Minerageny N. I. Eremin p. 164   Memorable Dates Lev Sergeevich Borodin (On His 80th Birthday) p. 168 Il’mar Nikolaevich Tomson (On His 80th Birthday) p. 170