Geology of Ore Deposits, 2014, V 56, N 1.

Age of Granodiorite Porphyry and Beresite 
from the Darasun Gold Field, 
Eastern Transbaikal Region, Russia 
I. V. Chernyshev, V. Yu. Prokof’ev, 
N. S. Bortnikov, A. V. Chugaev, 
Yu. V. Goltsman, V. A. Lebedev, 
Yu. O. Larionova, and L. D. Zorina 
p. 1   

Genesis of Garnet-Bearing Rocks at the 
Berezitovoe Deposit, Upper Amur Region, Russia 
O. V. Avchenko, A. S. Vakh, K. V. Chudnenko, 
and V. O. Khudolozhkin 
p. 15   

Kizilcaoren Ore-bearing Complex with 
Carbonatites (Northwestern Anatolia, Turkey): 
Formation Time and Mineralogy of Rocks 
A. V. Nikiforov, H. Ozturk, S. Altuncu, 
and V. A. Lebedev 
p. 35   

The Kovdor Apatite–Francolite Deposit 
As a Prospective Source of Phosphate Ore 
A. V. Lapin and A. P. Lyagushkin 