GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, 1998, V 39, N 9, September.

     Introduction                                                      1179

     Surkov N. V., Dobretsov N. L., Kosyakov V. I., and Kutolin
     V. A. A concept of database on the constitution diagrams of
     natural systems                                                   1180

     Kosyakov V. I. and Surkov N. V. Means of processing and
     storage of information on phase diagrams                          1192

     Khaldoyanidi K. A. Model PTX-diagrams of binary systems with
     transformations                                                   1210

     Lutsyk V. I. and Vorob'eva V. P. Simulation, analysis, and
     depiction of phase diagrams with the eutectic type of
     interaction                                                       1218

     Kolonin G. R. Organizational principles and structure of
     database on mineral equilibria in PGE-containing sulfide
     systems                                                           1234

     Kosyakov V. I. Possibilities of using oriented
     crystallization for solving petrological problems                 1242

     Surkov N. V. and Doroshev A. M. The phase diagram of the
     CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at pressures of up to 40 kbar               1254

     Dobretsov N. L. and Kirdyashkin A. G. Estimation of the
     global processes of matter exchange between the Earth's
     shells: comparison of real geological and theoretical data        1269

     Pavlov A. L., Bognibov V. I., and Kirgintsev A. N.
     Physicochemical conditions of platinoid concentration in
     stratified ultrabasic-basic massifs                               1280

     Mironov A. G., Mironov V. A., Zhmodik S. M., and Ochirov Yu.
     Ch. Native, radioactive, and sulfide mineralization at the
     Botogol'skoe graphite deposit (East Sayan)                        1291

     Litasov K. D. and Mal'kovets V. G. Sr-Ba-Rb Systematization
     of the megacrysts of alkali feldspar from the basaltoids of
     Central Asia                                                      1304

     Tsygankov A. A. Metavolcanites of the Baikal-Muya ophiolite
     belt: geochemistry and correlation                                1309


     To the 70th anniversary of Stanislav Anatol'evich Arkhipov        1324