GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, 2000, V 41, N 7, July.

Yolkin E.A., Kontorovich A.E., Saraev S.V., Tishchenko V.M., Anastasieva S.A., Bakharev N.K., Bogush O.I., Varaksina I.V., Izokh N.G., Klets A.G., Kontorovich V.A., Korovnikov I.V., Luchinina V.A., Sennikov N.V., Tanygin G.I., and Filippov Yu.F. Paleozoic stratigraphy of the southeastern periphery of the West-Siberian Plate: new data from deep drilling (Vezdekhodnaya oil field, Tomsk Region) 943 Meledina S.V. The Toarcian zonal scale in northern Siberia 952
Mikolaichuk A.V. The structural position of thrusts in the recent orogen of the Central Tien Shan 961 Korzhenkov A.M. Cenozoic tectonics and seismicity of the northwestern part of the Issyk-Kul' basin (Tien Shan) 971 G.F. Ufimtsev, N.V. Kulagina, A.A. Shchetnikov, and T. Vogt. Ancient valleys on the western shore of Lake Baikal 983
M.E. Kazimirovskii, S.I. Dril', and G.P. Sandimirova. Paleozoic granitoid massifs in the West-Stanovoy zone of Transbaikalia: Comparative geochemistry and age 990 V.V. Zolotukhin. The problem of Phanerozoic komatiites on the Siberian Platform 1003 R.G. Kravtsova, B.A. Gradetskii, and O.I. Korkina. Behavior of alkaline and ore elements during formation of epithermal silver-polymetal mineralization (Northeastern Russia) 1019 S.V. Shadrina. Quantitative prediction of gold-ore deposits in Gornaya Shoriya 1031 V.I. Sotnikov, A.N. Berzina, A.P. Berzina, V.A. Ponomarchuk, and V.Yu. Kiseleva. Distribution of fluorine in accessory titanite of porphyry Cu-Mo-ore clusters in Siberia and Mongolia 1041 V.M. Galkin and G.N. Kuznetsov. Thermal expansion and functions of mixing of clinopyroxenes CaMgSi2O6 - CaAl2SiO6 1050
V.N. Dorovskii. Mechanism of generation and intensification of high-frequency oscillations in fractured porous media on penetration of low-frequency seismic waves 1056 Yu.N. Vostrikov. Possibility for leap-like irreversible deformation in the Earth 1062
E.P. Yanin. Mercury in epiphyte-retained suspension of the Nura River (Kazakhstan) as an indicator of technogenic pollution 1074