Geologiya i Geofizika, 1999, V 40, N 7.
Karpov I. K., Chudnenko K. V., Artimenko M. V., Bychinskii V. A., and Kulik D.A.
Thermodynamic modeling of geological systems by convex programming under uncertainty
Kozlov V.
D. and Efremov S. V. Potassic alkali basaltoids and
geochemical specialization of associated rare-metal granites
Gornova M. A. and Glazunov O. M.
Mantle peridotites and pyroxenites of the saramta massif of the
precambrian sharyzhalgai gneiss-granulite complex
Zhmodik S. M.,
Mironov A. G., and Nemirovskaya N. A. The prospects for application of
neutron-fragment radiography in study of local distribution of uranium in the Baikal
sediments for paleoclimatic reconstructions
A. E., Saraev S. V., Kazanskii A. Yu., Kashtanov V. A., Kontorovich V. A., Ponomarchuk V. A.,
Tishchenko V. M., and Filippov Yu. F.
New Cambrian volcanoterrigenous section and position of the western boundary
of the Siberian Platform (by data of parametric drilling
in the Vezdekhodnaya area, Tomsk Region
N. A. and Nadler Yu. S.
New Stenothecoida species from the Lower Cambrian of Kuznetsk Alatau
(Kiya reference section)
Kanygin A. V., Yadrenkina A. G., Abaimova G. P., Sychev O. V., Timokhin A. V.,
Moskalenko T. A., and Sennikov N. V.
The Ordovician of the western framing of the Vilyui
Syneclise: stratigraphy, facies, and paleontological characteristics
GlinskikhL . A., Nikitenko B. L., and Shurygin B. N.
The Jurassic Abalak Formation in West Siberia
(paleontological characteristics, litho- and biostratigraphy)
Zamirailova A. G., Zanin Yu. N., Gilinskaya L. G., Zhegallo E. A., Pisareva G. M., Polyakova V. G.,
Levchuk M. A., and Kazarbin V. V.
Phosphorites of the Upper Jurassic Georgievka Formation of the West-Siberian Plain
Kostyreva E. A., Danilova V. P., Melenevskii V. N., Moiseeva N. V., Fomin A. N., and Yamkova L. S.
Geochemistry of the organic matter of Paleozoic deposits in the East of the Tomsk Region
(by the example of Vezdekhodnaya BH-4)
Duchkov A. D.,Puzankov Yu. M., and Sokolova L. S.
Heat flow in kimberlite provinces of ancient platforms
Mogilatov V. S.
Secondary sources and linearization in geoelectric problems
Nefedkina T. V., Kurdyukova T. V., and Bezlukov V. V.
Inverse dynamic seismic problem by AV0 data of compressional and exchange waves