Khomentovsky V. V. and Kochnev B. B.
The Vendian of the Baikal-Patom Trough
Yakshin M. S.
Lower Riphean Algal microbiota of the Kyutingde Formation of the Olenek elevation
Tarabukin V. P., Kanygin A. V., Smirnov D. L., Pavlushin A. D., and Buyankina L. P.
Findings of Paleozoic Conodonts in xenoliths of kimberlite pipes on the Siberian Platform
Solotchin P. A.
Lithology of Lower Jurassic deposits in the southeast of West Siberia
Shurygin B. N., Pinous O. V., and Nikitenko B. L.
Sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of the Callovian and Upper Jurassic
(vasyugan horizon) of the southeast of West Siberia
Kontorovich V. A., Krasavchikov V. O., and Brysyakina L. A.
Paleogeography and petroleum potential of the Hettangian-Aalenian deposits of
the Nyurol'ka sedimentary basin (West Siberia)
Kalinin Yu. A., Roslyakov N. A., Nesterenko G. V., Roslyakova N. V., and Osintsev S. R.
Framing of the West-Siberian Plain, a new province of gold-ore deposits in crusts of
Sharygin V. V., Sokol E. V., Nigmatulina E. N., Lepezin G. G., Kalugin V. M., and Frenkel' A. E.
Mineralogy and petrography of man-induced parabasalts from the Chelyabinsk brown-coal
Tolstykh N. D., Lapukhov A. S., Krivenko A. P., and Lazareva E. V.
Platinum group element minerals in gold placers in northwestern Salair
Vosel' S. V., Kalinin D. V., Rudina N. A., and Purtov P. A.
Analysis of aggregation processes in
suspensions of colloid silica particles
Shabashev V. Ya. and Romanov V. L.
Estimation of the possibilities of the potentiometric method on
mapping phosphorite deposits in the Polar Urals
Chipizubov A. V. and Smekalin O. P.
Paleoseismodislocations and related paleoearthquakes along the
major Sayan Fault Zone
Stovas A. M.
Integral migration-to-zero-offset operator
Chichinin I. S.
Solution of the problem of elastic-wave radiation by a source acting on the wall of a
cased borehole drilled in an anisotropic gyrotropic medium