GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS, 2001, V 42, N 4, April.

Scientific heritage of Academician A. L. Yanshin..


Lithology of lithospheric plates. Lisitsyn A. P. 522 Carbonate accumulation in connection with the evolution of bioorganisms in the Phanerozoic Kuznetsov V. G. 560 Problems of phosphorite genesis Sokolov A. S., Eganov E. A., Krasnov A. A., and Shkol'nik E. A. 569 Some debatable aspects of hypotheses of marine phosphorite genesis. Shkol'nik E.A. and Eganov E.A. 583 Phosphates, carbonates, and sapropels in peats of West Siberia (regularities of formation, resources, and usage) MatukhinaV.G. and Mikhant'eva L.S. 589 Halmeic formations and petroleum potential of Paleozoic reservoirs of the Siberian Platform. Fradkin G.S. 605 Sedimentogenesis of the Achimov sequence in the northern Ob' region. Zverev K.V. and Kazanenkov V.A. 617

The Ordovician explosive radiation of the Earth's organic world: causes and biospherical impact Kanygin A.V. 631 Humid and arid state of the warm biosphere Zharkov M. A. and Chumakov N. M. 668 Environment and climate in the last (Sartan) glaciacion in West Siberia (according to palynological evidence) VolkovaV. S. and Mikhailova I. V. 678 Evolution of carbonaceous formations in Devonian sedimentation basins. Eganov E. A 690

Endogenetic processes resulting in sedimentary basins of the Earth. Garagash I.A. and Shlezinger A.E. 704 Geodynamics of mountains in eastern Yakutia and opening of the Eurasin basin. 708 Parfenov I. M., Prokop'ev A. V., and Spector V. B. Evolution of the crust in Belarus recorded in paleodynamics of the gravity field. Garetskii R. G., Karataev G. I., Dankevich I. V., and Golobokov S. V. 726 Modern structure, evolution, and petroleum potential of the zone of junction of The Siberian Platform and West Siberian Plate Belyaev S. Yu. and Basharin A. K. 736