Geology and Geophysics, 2005, V 46, N 2, February.

Silurian ecostratigraphy of the northwestern Siberian Platform. Yu.I. Tesakov 119
Neotectonic fault-block structure of junction of Siberian Platform and West Siberian Plate. R.M. Lobatskaya 138
Natural bitumens in kimberlite pipes and host rocks in the Yakutian diamond province. A.F. Safronov, N.N. Zinchuk, V.A. Kashirtsev, A.E. Kontorovich, E.A. Bondarev, I.N. Zueva, and O.N. Chalaya 148 Probabilistic description of lenticular reservoirs and uncertainty assessment on drilling. A.I. Vereskov, R.D. Kanevskaya, and S.V. Korobkin 159
Geologic setting, age, and geochemical model of the formation of West Sayan plagiogranitoids. S.N. Rudnev, G.A. Babin, A.G. Vladimirov, N.N. Kruk, S.P. Shokal'sky, S.M. Borisov, A.V. Travin, O.A. Levchenkov, A.A. Terleev, and M.L. Kuibida 169 The Sobolev kimberlite pipe (Yakutia): structure and composition. V.P. Serov, A.D. Khar'kiv, V.I. Ustinov, and A.V. Ukhanov 188 Genesis of the rims on picroilmenites of the Taigikun-Nemba kimberlite field (Evenkia). A.M. Khmel'kov 199 Distribution of radionuclides and trace elements in the lichen cover of West Siberian regions. V.D. Strakhovenko, B.L. Shcherbov, and E.I. Khozhina 207
Resonance frequencies and seismic velocities in frozen ground. A.F. Drennov and V.I. Dzhurik 218 Interpolation approach for using indirect information in geological machine contouring. V.A. Leus 224 Latest Late Glacial (Sartan) key sections in Ob' valley near Surgut. I.A. Volkov 235