GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, 1998, V 39, N 12, December.


     Dobretsov N. L., Tennissen K., and Smirnova L. V. Structural
     and geodynamic evolution of the diamondiferous metamorphic
     rocks of the Kokchetav massif (Kazakhstan)                        1645

     Sobolev N.V., Taylor L.A., Zuev V.M., Bezborodov S.M.,
     Shyder G.A., Sobolev V.N., and Yefimova E.S. The specific
     features of eclogitic paragenesis of diamonds from Mir and
     Udachnaya kimberlite pipes (Yakutia)                              1667

     Reverdatto V. V. and Sheplev V. S. Geodynamic factors of
     metamorphism and their modeling: review and analysis of the
     problem                                                           1679

     Tomshin M. D., Fomin A. S., Kornilova V. P., Chernyi S. D.,
     and Yanygin Yu. T. Peculiarities of magmatic formations from
     the Nakyn kimberlite field of the Yakutian province               1693

     Zinchuk N. N. The effect of secondary minerals on the habit
     and composition of kimberlites                                    1704

     Zolotukhin V. V. Trap magmatism and ore-bearing Norilsk-type
     intrusions of the Northwest of the Siberian Platform: actual
     problems                                                          1716

     Bakirov A., Tagiri M., and Sakiev K. The rocks of
     ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic facies in the Tien Shan            1722

     Sklyarov E. V., Gladkocub D. P., Mazukabzov A. M., and
     Men'shagin Yu. A. Metamorphism of the most ancient
     ophiolites of the Sharyzhalgai massif                             1733

     Marakushev A. A., Paneyakh N. A., and Zotov I. A. The
     problem of mantle petrology                                       1750

     Perchuk L. L. and Yapaskurt V. O. Deep-seated ultrapotassic
     liquids                                                           1756

     Bazarov L. Sh., Drebushchak T. N., Gordeeva V. I., Urakaev
     F. Kh., and Shevchenko V. S. Mathematical modeling of the
     process of diamond nucleation in silicate melts                   1766

     Litvin Yu. A. Mantle's hot spots and experiment to 10 gpa:
     alkaline reactions, lithosphere carbonatization, and new
     diamond-generating systems                                        1722

     Pal'yanov Yu. N., Sokol A. G., Borzdov Yu. M., and Sobolev
     N. V. Experimental study of diamond crystallization in
     carbonate-carbon systems in connection with the problem of
     diamond genesis in magmatic and metamorphic rocks                 1780

     Persikov E. S. Viscosities of model and magmatic melts at
     the PT-parameters of the Earth's crust and upper mantle           1793

     Serdobintseva V. V. and Kalinin D. V. Poech(??)-opal and its
     genetic significance                                              1805

     Contens of volume 39                                              1813

     Autor's index of volume 39                                        1821