Geology and Geophysics, 2002, V 43, N 11, November.


ISOTOPE GEOCHRONOLOGY OF PALEOZOIC GRANITOIDS OF THE SELENGA-STANOVOY MOUNTAINOUS AREA M. E. Kazimirovskii, G. P. Sandimirova, and E. V. Bankovskaya 973 We have considered the problems of dating Paleozoic granitoids of the Selenga-Stanovoy mountainous area (SSMA) and reviewed and compared the available dates. New Rb-Sr isotope dates for four objects of the West Stanovoy structure- formational zone (SFZ) are presented, which confirm the existence of Carboniferous (360-290 Ma) magmatic stage not only in the west but also in the center of the SFZ and refine the age of Early Paleozoic batholiths of the Olekma complex (480-430 Ma). This indicates that they are coeval with batholiths of the Malkhan complex in the neighboring Khilok-Vitim SFZ. Moreover, as all studied granitoids are of crustal (palyngenetic) origin, we proposed a model for Sr- isotope evolution of this crustal segment. Mongolo-Okhotsk belt, Transbaikalia, Paleozoic granitoids, isotope dates, Sr-isotope evolution of the crust
PETROLOGY OF THE KUOLOTONG SULFIDE COPPER-NICKEL DEPOSIT IN NORTHWESTERN CHINA A. I. Glotov, A. P. Krivenko, G. V. Polyakov, and E. A. Uvarova 990 The picrite-dolerite ore associaton was well expressed at the orogenic stage of development of the Hercynides of the Zaisan-Gobi fold belt, separate parts of which are associated with Cu-Ni ore occurrences and deposits. Exemplified by the Kuolotong deposit (North Xinjiang, China), the main stages of its formation as a single ore-magmatic system have been shown: from sulfide- silicate liquation in an intermediate chamber to fractional crystallization of a sulfide melt in the ore-hosting intrusion. The fractional crystallization played a leading role in the formation of ores of varying composition (Ni-Fe, Fe-Cu, and abnormally cupriferous). Additional evidence is distribution in them of Pt, Pd, Au, and Ag, enrinching the residual sulfide melt. The fact that Au dominates over Pd in the Kuolotong ores suggests considerably advanced fractionation of sulfide liquid during their formation, which corresponds to experimental data for these metals in sulfide systems. The isotope composition of sulfur in the ores is close to the meteorite standard, slightly deviating toward the heavy isotope. Galogen-bearing fluids little contribute to migration and concentration of noble metals. The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Kuolotong deposits, in combination with mineralogical and geochemical signatures of other ore-bearing intrusions of picrite-dolerite ore association, may be used for estimating the unclear ore potential of such intrusions. Picrite-dolerite rock association, Cu-Ni ores, sulfide liquid, fractional crystallization, platinum group elements, fluids, Xinjiang, China
THIXOTROPY IN SUPRAMOLECULAR CRYSTALLIZATION AND GENESIS OF MACROSTRUCTURES OF PRECIOUS OPAL D. V. Kalinin, V. V. Serdobintseva, and Ya. V. Kuznetsova 1002 At the initial stage of genesis of precious opal from concentrated suspensions of monodisperse silica spheres, supramolecular gel crystals with solid silica particles form. The latter are localized at the lattice sites and are separated by liquid partings - ionic atmospheres around the particles. These crystals with weak bonds between their structural units form and exist under the balance of the forces of electrostatic repulsion of counter-ionic atmospheres, on the one hand, and the total forces of molecular attraction and gravitational compression of the particles, on the other. Under mechanical action, the balance is disturbed, and reversible thixotropic destruction (liquescency) of the structure into particles and microblocks (clusters) takes place, thus producing suspension. This suspension recrystallizes, the growth of secondary crystals being contributed by the clusters. Secondary thixotropic crystallization produces nests and veinlets in the initial structure of precious opal and accounts for a considearble diversity of macrostructural patterns of natural precious opal. Precious opal, genesis, supramolecular crystallization, thixotropic recrystallization
RECOGNITION OF ZONES OF CATAGENETIC CEMENTATION IN CARBONATE ROCKS OF THE KARACHAGANAK HYDROCARBON DEPOSIT FROM DEFECTS OF CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE OF CALCITE A. V. Peskov and V. V. Gusev 1009 Study was given to the lithology of carbonate reservoirs of the Karachaganak oil and gas-condensate deposit (KOGCD). The calcites from the KOGCD limestones were explored to reveal crystal structure imperfections (CSI), whose parameters were estimated to a different degree of catagenetic transformation. Using the X-ray structural analysis, we can determine the amount of catagenetic calcite. Using the X-ray approximation, we have established zones of catagenetic cementation in the limestones of the Karachaganak hydrocarbon deposit. According to CSI parameters, the compositionally uniform carbonate formations, especially reefogenic ones, can be subdivided into zones with different degrees of catagenetic transformation and different reservoir properties. Limestone calcites, catagenesis, hydrocarbons, crystal structure, carbonate reservoirs, Karachaganak deposit
STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF PALEOGENE AND NEOGENE DEPOSITS OF THE BARABA-KULUNDA FACIES ZONE OF WEST SIBERIA V. S. Volkova, I. A. Kul'kova, and O. B. Kuz'mina 1017 New data are reported to give stratigraphic support for the age of Paleogene marine and Paleogene-Neogene continental deposits exposed in three wells drilled on the Irtysh River near the town of Omsk, West Siberia. According to dinoflagellates and SPA, two formations, Lyulinvor and Tavda, have been recognized as part of the marine Paleogene. On the basis of dinocysts, two zones are established in the Lyulinvor Formation, named after the index species: Dracodinium varielongitudum+D. simile Zone and Charlesdowniea coleopthrypta rotundata+Ch. coelothrypta Zone, corresponding to nannoplankton zones 11-14. The sediments date from the Lower Eocene+early Middle Eocene (Yprian+lower Lutetian Stages). The marine Tavda Formation also comprises two zones of dinocysts: Rhombodinium draco+Areosphaeridium dictyoplocus, comparable with nannoplankton zones 16-19. The age of the formation is constrained by the late Middle and Late Eocene (upper Lutetian+Bartonian+Priabonian Stages). The Paleogene and Neogene continental deposits are characterized by eight palynocomplexes, providing support for recognition in wells of the Zhuravka, Abrosimov, Beshcheul', and Tavolga Formations. The development of vegetation is subdivided into three steps: tropical, Turgai, and post-Turgai. Dinoflagellates, spores, pollen, formations: Lyulinvor, Tavda, Zhuravka, Abrosimov, Beshcheul', Tavolga; vegetation, West Siberia

THE 1992 SUUSAMYR EARTHQUAKE AND THE AFTERSHOCK STRAIN FIELD O. A. Kuchai, A. M. Muraliev, K. E. Abrdakhmatov, D. Delvaux, and A. D. Duchkov 1038 Analysis of breakage and seismic strain associated with the aftershocks of the 19 August 1992 M=7.3 Suusamyr earthquake shows that the surface rupture occurs in the region of highest homogeneous strain. Reorientation of stress axes on the tips of the rupture is accompanied by rift-type aftershocks. The nearly horizontal N-S orientation of the principal P axis remained invariable and that of the T axis changed 25 years before the main shock, during the aftershock activity, and later, which is consistent with the direction of maximum compression in the region. Aftershocks, seismic strain, large earthquake
HEAT FLOW IN THE REGION OF THE BARENTS AND KARA SEAS L. A. Tsibulya and L. S. Sokolova 1049 The paper presents a heat flow map of the region of the Barents and Kara Seas which is a synthesis of geothermal data from the West Arctic shelf collected since the 1980s. The heat flow distribution is strongly uneven and reflects complex geology and geodynamic environment of the territory. Heat flows are notably lower in the continental part of the region than in the ocean (40-60 mW/m2 against an average of 100-120 mW/m2 in submerged ridges and 70-80 mW/m2 elsewhere), with about an order of magnitude difference between the lower and upper limits (20 mW/m2 on the Precambrian Baltic shield against 200 mW/m2 and higher in the rift of the submerged Knipovich Ridge). The generally elevated mantle heat flow on the Barents and Kara sea shelves is evidence of hot anomalous mantle apparently associated with recent ocean opening. Heat flow, Arctic shelf, Barents and Kara Seas