GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKA, 1998, V 39, N 10, October.

     Borukaev Ch.B. Some principal questions of terrane analysis
     (terranology or terranomany?)                                     1329

     Tesakov Yu. I., Predtetchensky N. N., Khromych V. G., Berger
     A. Ya., Kovalevskaya E. O., Lopushinskaya T. V., and
     Bazarova L. S. Silurian stratigraphy of East Siberia              1335

     Dubatolov V. N. The dynamics of the biodiversity of tabulate
     corals in the Devonian seas of Siberia                            1357

     Khomentovsky V. V. and Nagovitsyn K. E. The Neoproterozoic
     of the west of the Siberian Platform                              1365

     Korovnikov I. V. The trilobite complexes and biostratigraphy
     of the Lower Cambrian section of the Khorbosuonka river
     (Olenek elevation, northeast of the Siberian Platform)            1377

     Vyshemirskii V. S. and Kontorovich A. E. Evolution of the
     formation of gaseous hydrocarbons in the Earth's history          1392

     Li Guodu, Liang Digang, Jia Chengzao, Basharin A. K.,
     Belyaev S. Yu., and Fradkin G. S. Geology and petroleum
     potential of the Tarim Platform                                   1402

     Kontorovich V. A., Ivanov I. A., Kashtanov V. A., and
     Kondrashov V. A. A new promising petroliferous zone in the
     Lower Jurassic (West Siberia)                                     1416

     Leus V. A. Solution of problems of geological computer
     mapping on the basis of potential polynomials                     1423

     Popov A. M. and Shpynev G. B. Study of the dependence of the
     seismic regime of the Sayan-Baikal region on the solar
     activity and variations in the level of Lake Baikal               1431

     Ruzhich V. V., Levina E. A., Pisarenko V. F., and Lyubushin
     A. A. Statistic estimation of the maximum possible
     earthquake magnitude for the Baikal Rift Zone                     1443

     Chichinina T. I. Construction of a model of a grainy medium
     with gyrotropoic properties                                       1456


     Knight of Science                                                 1472