Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 61, Issue 11, June 1997
- Kinetics of the reaction H2O + O _ 2OH in rhyolitic glasses upon cooling: Geospeedometry and comparison with glass transition
Youxue, Z., Jenkins, J. and Zhengjiu, X.
page 2167-2173
- Calculation of the standard partial molal thermodynamic properties of KCl0 and activity coefficients of aqueous KCl at temperatures and pressures to 1000°C and 5 kbar
Pokrovskii, V.A. and Helgeson, H.C.
page 2175-2183
- Reduction of hexavalent chromium by ferrous iron
Sedlak, D.L. and Chan, P.G.
page 2185-2192
- Detection of surface hydroxyl species on quartz,
-alumina, and feldspars using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy
Koretsky, C.M., Sverjensky, D.A., Salisbury, J.W. and D'Aria, D.M.
page 2193-2210
- Studies of the nature of Cu2+ and Pb2+ binding sites in soil humic substances using X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Kang, X., Bleam, W. and Helmke, P.A.
page 2211-2221
- Studies of the nature of binding sites of first row transition elements bound to aquatic and soil humic substances using X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Kang, X., Bleam, W. and Helmke, P.A.
page 2223-2235
- Actinide diffusion in a haplogranitic melt: Effects of temperature, water content, and pressure
Mungall, J.E. and Dingwell, D.B.
page 2237-2246
- Chemical preservation of insect cuticle from the Pleistocene asphalt deposits of California, USA
Stankiewicz, B.A., Briggs, D.E.G., Evershed, R.P. and Duncan, I.J.
page 2247-2252
- Negative thermal ion mass spectrometry of oxygen in phosphates
Holmden, C., Papanastassiou, D.A. and Wasserburg, G.J.
page 2253-2263
- A kinetic model of isotopic exchange in dissolution-precipitation processes
Dubinina, E.O. and Lakshtanov, L.Z.
page 2265-2273
- Oxygen isotopes in marine diatoms: A comparative study of analytical techniques and new results on the isotope composition of recent marine diatoms
Schmidt, M., Botz, R., Stoffers, P., Anders, T. and Bohrmann, G.
page 2275-2280
- Oxygen isotope variations in ocean island basalt phenocrysts
Eiler, J.M., Farley, K.A., Valley, J.W., Hauri, E., Craig, H., Hart, S.R. and Stolper, E.M.
page 2281-2293
- The fate of mantle-derived carbon in a continental sedimentary basin: Integration of C/He relationships and stable isotope signatures
Lollar, B.S., Ballentine, C.J. and O'Nions, R.K.
page 2295-2307
- Atmospheric entry heating and helium retentivity of interplanetary dust particles
Farley, K.A., Love, S.G. and Patterson, D.B.
page 2309-2316
- The origin and nebular history of the metal phase of ordinary chondrites
Kong, P. and Ebihara, M.
page 2317-2329
- The nature and origin of rims on lunar soil grains
Keller, L.P. and McKay, D.S.
page 2331-2341
- Evolution of the lunar crust: SIMS study of plagioclase from ferroan anorthosites
Papike, J.J., Fowler, G.W. and Shearer, C.K.
page 2343-2350
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