Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 61, Issue 4, February 1997
- The rare earth element geochemistry of acid-sulphate and acid-sulphate-chloride geothermal systems from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Lewis, A.J., Palmer, M.R., Sturchio, N.C. and Kemp, A.J.
page 695-706
- An AEM-TEM study of nanometer-scale mineral associations in an aquifer sand: Implications for colloid mobilization
Swartz, C.H., Ulery, A.L. and Gschwend, P.M.
page 707-718
- Aqueous complexation of cadmium, lead, and copper by 2,4,6-trichlorophenolate and pentachlorophenolate
Daughney, C.J. and Fein, J.B.
page 719-729
- Oxygen isotope evidence of climate change from pedogenic clay minerals in the Himalayan molasse
Stern, L.A., Chamberlain, C.P., Reynolds, R.C. and Johnson, G.D.
page 731-744
- Spatial distribution of microbial methane production pathways in temperate zone wetland soils: Stable carbon and hydrogen isotope evidence
Hornibrook, E.R.C., Longstaffe, F.J. and Fyfe, W.S.
page 745-753
- Self diffusion of europium, neodymium, thorium, and uranium in haplobasaltic melt: The effect of oxygen fugacity and the relationship to melt structure
LaTourrette, T. and Wasserburg, G.J.
page 755-764
- Inferences about mantle magma sources from incompatible element concentration ratios in oceanic basalts
Sims, K.W.W. and DePaolo, D.J.
page 765-784
- Kinetics of rhodochrosite crystal growth at 25°C: The role of surface speciation
Sternbeck, J.
page 785-793
- The structure of the halite-brine interface inferred from pressure and temperature variations of equilibrium dihedral angles in the halite-H2O-CO2 system
Holness, M.B. and Lewis, S.
page 795-804
- Metal-humic interactions: A random structural modelling approach
Bryan, N.D., Robinson, V.J., Livens, F.R., Hesketh, N., Jones, M.N. and Lead, J.R.
page 805-820
- Submarine and superimposed contact metamorphic oxygen isotopic exchange in an oceanic arc, Sawyers Bar area, central Klamath Mountains, California, USA
Ernst, W.G. and Kolodny, Y.
page 821-834
- The oxygen isotopic composition of olivine and pyroxene from CI chondrites
Leshin, L.A., Rubin, A.E. and McKeegan, K.D.
page 835-845
- Shock metamorphism of enstatite chondrites
Rubin, A.E., Scott, E.R.D. and Keil, K.
page 847-858
- Isotopically anomalous nitrogen in H-chondrite metal
Hashizume, K. and Sugiura, N.
page 859-872
- The Gardnos impact structure, Norway: Petrology and geochemistry of target rocks and impactites
French, B.M., Koeberl, C., Gilmour, I., Shirley, S.B., Dons, J.A. and Naterstad, J.
page 873-904
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