Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 61, Issue 1, January 1997
- Aluminum binding to humic substances determined by high performance cation exchange chromatography
Sutheimer, S.H. and Cabaniss, S.E.
page 1-9
- Group additivity equations of state for calculating the standard molal thermodynamic properties of aqueous organic species at elevated temperatures and pressures
Amend, J.P. and Helgeson, H.C.
page 11-46
- Continuous transects of cadmium, copper, and aluminium in surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean, 50°N to 50°S: Correspondence and contrast with nutrient-like behaviour
van der Loeff, M.R., Helmers, E. and Kattner, G.
page 47-61
- Iron species determination to investigate early diagenetic reactivity in marine sediments
Haese, R.R., Wallmann, K., Dahmke, A., Kretzmann, U., Muller, P.J. and Schulz, H.D.
page 63-72
- The chemistry of uranium in evaporation pond sediment in the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA, using X-ray fluorescence and XANES techniques
Duff, M.C., Amrhein, C., Bertsch, P.M. and Hunter, D.B.
page 73-81
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons during sub-solidus alteration of the Strange Lake peralkaline granite, Quebec/Labrador, Canada
Salvi, S. and Williams-Jones, A.E.
page 83-99
- Use of the elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) microbeam technique for the quantitative determination of hydrogen in materials and hydrogen partitioning between olivine and melt at high pressures
Sweeney, R.J., Prozesky, V.M. and Springhorn, K.A.
page 101-113
- Kinetics of pyrite formation by the H2S oxidation of iron (II) monosulfide in aqueous solutions between 25 and 125°C: The rate equation
Rickard, D.
page 115-134
- Kinetics of pyrite formation by the H2S oxidation of iron (II) monosulfide in aqueous solutions between 25 and 125°C: The mechanism
Rickard, D. and Luther, G.W. III
page 135-147
- Linking microscopic and macroscopic data for heterogeneous reactions illustrated by the oxidation of manganese(II) at mineral surfaces
Junta-Rosso, J.L., Hochella, M.F. Jr. and Rimstidt, J.D.
page 149-159
- Oxygen isotopic composition of hydrous and anhydrous mantle peridotites
Chazot, G., Lowry, D., Menzies, M. and Mattey, D.
page 161-169
- Strontium isotopic and trace element heterogeneity in the plains basalts of the Newer Volcanic Province, Victoria, Australia
Price, R.C., Gray, C.M. and Frey, F.A.
page 171-192
- An appraisal of stepped heating release of fluid inclusion CO2 for isotopic analysis: A preliminary to
13C characterisation of carbonaceous vesicles at the nanomole level
Miller, M.F. and Pillinger, C.T.
page 193-205
- Stable isotope aspects of modern molluscs, brachiopods, and marine cements from cool-water carbonates, Lacepede Shelf, South Australia
Rahimpour-Bonab, H., Bone, Y. and Moussavi-Harami, R.
page 207-218
- Carbide-magnetite assemblages in type-3 ordinary chondrites
Krot, A.N., Zolensky, M.E., Wasson, J.T., Scott, E.R.D., Keil, K. and Ohsumi, K.
page 219-237
- Differentiated achondrites Asuka 881371, an angrite, and Divnoe: Noble gases, ages, chemical composition, and relation to other meteorites
Weigel, A., Eugster, O., Koeberl, C. and Krahenbuhl, U.
page 239-248
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