Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 60, Issue 24, December 1996
- Molecular orbital models of aqueous aluminum-acetate complexes
Kubicki, J.D., Blake, G.A. and Apitz, S.E.
page 4897-4911
- A mass transfer model of bauxite formation
Soler, J.M. and Lasaga, A.C.
page 4913-4931
- Distribution of colloidal trace metals in the San Francisco Bay estuary
Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S.A., Rivera-Duarte, I. and Flegal, A.R.
page 4933-4944
- Reactivity of iodide in volcanic soils and noncrystalline soil constituents
Yu, Z., Warner, J.A., Dahlgren, R.A. and Casey, W.H.
page 4945-4956
- Distribution and sources of pre-anthropogenic lead isotopes in deep ocean water from Fe-Mn crusts
von Blanckenburg, F., O'Nions, R.K. and Hein, J.R.
page 4957-4963
- The combined effects of fO2 and melt composition on SnO2 solubility and tin diffusivity in haplogranitic melts
Linnen, R.L., Pichavant, M. and Holtz, F.
page 4965-4976
- Isovalent trace element partitioning between minerals and melts: A computer simulation study
Purton, J.A., Allan, N.L., Blundy, J.D. and Wasserman, E.A.
page 4977-4987
- Temperature independent thermal expansivities of sodium aluminosilicate melts between 713 and 1835 K
Lange, R.A.
page 4989-4996
- Magma dynamics at the base of an evolving mafic magma chamber: Incompatible element evidence from the Partridge River intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota, USA
Chalokwu, C.I., Ariskin, A.A. and Koptev-Dvornikov, E.V.
page 4997-5011
- Surface enrichment and trace-element uptake during crystal growth
Watson, E.B.
page 5013-5020
- Diffusion in silicate melts: II. Multicomponent diffusion in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 at 1500°C and 1 GPa
Liang, Y., Richter, F.M. and Watson, E.B.
page 5021-5035
- Strontium diffusion in sanidine and albite, and general comments on strontium diffusion in alkali feldspars
Cherniak, D.J.
page 5037-5043
- Interactions of copper, organic acids, and sulfate in goethite suspensions
Ali, M.A. and Dzombak, D.A.
page 5045-5053
- Dissolution rates and activation energy for dissolution of brucite (001): A new method based on the microtopography of crystal surfaces
Jordan, G. and Rammensee, W.
page 5055-5062
- Determination of 207Pb/206Pb ages on zircon and monazite by laser-ablation ICPMS and application to a study of sedimentary provenance and metamorphism in southeastern Brazil
Machado, N. and Gauthier, G.
page 5063-5073
- The combined use of 87Sr/86Sr and carbon and water isotopes to study the hydrochemical interaction between groundwater and lakewater in mantled karst
Katz, B.G. and Bullen, T.D.
page 5075-5087
- Calculating surface water pCO2 from foraminiferal organic
Maslin, M.A., Hall, M.A., Shackleton, N.J. and Thomas, E.
page 5089-5100
- Ion microprobe analysis of 18O/16O in authigenic and detrital quartz in the St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan Basin and Wisconsin Arch, USA: Contrasting diagenetic histories
Graham, C.M., Valley, J.W. and Winter, B.L.
page 5101-5116
- Statistical modelling of thermal annealing of fission tracks in apatite
Laslett, G.M. and Galbraith, R.F.
page 5117-5131
- Chemical characteristics of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer at Gubbio, Italy
Ebihara, M. and Miura, T.
page 5133-5144
- Oxygen isotope partitioning between phosphate and carbonate in mammalian apatite
Bryant, J.D., Koch, P.L., Froelich, P.N., Showers, W.J. and Genna, B.J.
page 5145-5148
- Magnetite whiskers and platelets in the ALH84001 Martian meteorite: Evidence of vapor phase growth
Bradley, J.P., Harvey, R.P. and McSween, H.Y. Jr.
page 5149-5155
- The Great Comet Crash--The Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter
Koeberl, C.
page 5157
- Global Environment: Water, Air, and Geochemical Cycles
White, A.F.
page 5157-5158
- Aquatic Chemistry
Paces, T.
page 5158-5159
- Lacustrine Basin Exploration--Case Studies and Modern Analogs
Komor, S.C.
page 5159-5160
- Water on Mars
Schidlowski, M.
page 5159
- Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata as Oil-Prone Source Rocks?
Noble, R.A.
page 5160
- SEAREX: The Sea/Air Exchange Program, A Review with Comments on Recovery of Data, from Large Earth-Science Research Programs, Chemical Oceanography
Manheim, F.T.
page 5160-5163
- List of contents
- Subject index
- Author index
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