Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 60, Issue 23, December 1996
- Corundum solubility and aluminum speciation in KOH aqueous solutions at 400°C from 0.5 to 2.0 kbar
Azaroual, M., Pascal, M.-L. and Roux, J.
page 4601-4614
- The aqueous geochemistry of the rare earth elements and yttrium: VI. Stability of neodymium chloride complexes from 25 to 300°C
Gammons, C.H., Wood, S.A. and Williams-Jones, A.E.
page 4615-4630
- Rare earth elements and yttrium in seawater: ICP-MS determinations in the East Caroline, Coral Sea, and South Fiji basins of the western South Pacific Ocean
Jing, Z. and Nozaki, Y.
page 4631-4644
- Using the radium quartet for evaluating groundwater input and water exchange in salt marshes
Moore, R. and Moore, W.S.
page 4645-4652
- Cooling pattern and mineralization history of the Saint Sylvestre and western Marche leucogranite pluton, French Massif Central: I. 40Ar/39Ar isotopic constraints
Scaillet, S., Cheilletz, A., Cuney, M., Farrar, E. and Archibald, D.A.
page 4653-4671
- Cooling pattern and mineralization history of the Saint Sylvestre and western Marche leucogranite pluton, French Massif Central: II. Thermal modelling and implications for the mechanisms of uranium mineralization
Scaillet, S., Cuney, M., le Carlier de Veslud, C., Cheilletz, A. and Royer, J.J.
page 4673-4688
- TEM study of Pt-C replicas of calcite overgrowths precipitated from electrolyte solutions
Paquette, J., Vali, H. and Mucci, A.
page 4689-4699
- Thiosulfate oxidation: Catalysis of synthetic sphalerite doped with transition metals
Yong, X., Schoonen, M.A.A. and Strongin, D.R.
page 4701-4710
- Trace element analyses of fluid-bearing diamonds from Jwaneng, Botswana
Schrauder, M., Koeberl, C. and Navon, O.
page 4711-4724
- Kinetics of Ib to IaA nitrogen aggregation in diamond
Taylor, W.R., Canil, D. and Milledge, H.J.
page 4725-4733
- The importance of groundwater discharge to the methane budgets of nearshore and continental shelf waters of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Bugna, G.C., Chanton, J.P., Cable, J.E., Burnett, W.C. and Cable, P.H.
page 4735-4746
- Formation of isohexyl alkylaromatic hydrocarbons from aromatization-rearrangement of terpenoids in the sedimentary environment: A new class of biomarker
Ellis, L., Singh, R.K., Alexander, R. and Kagi, R.I.
page 4747-4763
- Quartz-bearing basalts: Oxygen isotopic evidence for crustal contamination of continental mafic rocks
Baldridge, W.S., Sharp, Z.D. and Reid, K.D.
page 4765-4772
- A noble gas profile across a Hawaiian mantle xenolith: Coexisting accidental and cognate noble gases derived from the lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle beneath Oahu
Rocholl, A., Heusser, E., Kirsten, T., Oehm, J. and Richter, H.
page 4773-4783
- Resolution of the effects of crustal assimilation, sediment subduction, and fluid transport in island arc magmas: Pb-Sr-Nd-O isotope geochemistry of Grenada, Lesser Antilles
Thirlwall, M.F., Graham, A.M., Arculus, R.J., Harmon, R.S. and Macpherson, C.G.
page 4785-4810
- Predicting animal
18O: Accounting for diet and physiological adaptation
Kohn, M.J.
page 4811-4829
- Natural fission reactors in the Franceville basin, Gabon: A review of the conditions and results of a _critical event_ in a geologic system
Gauthier-Lafaye, F., Holliger, P. and Blanc, P.-L.
page 4831-4852
- Genesis of presolar diamonds: Comparative high-resolution transmission electron microscopy study of meteoritic and terrestrial nano-diamonds
Daulton, T.L., Eisenhour, D.D., Bernatowicz, T.J., Lewis, R.S. and Buseck, P.R.
page 4853-4872
- Restricted utility of aryl isoprenoids as indicators for photic zone anoxia
Koopmans, M.P., Schouten, S., Kohnen, M.E.L. and Damste, J.S.S.
page 4873-4876
- Boron isotope ratios in meteorites and lunar rocks
Zhai, M., Nakamura, E., Shaw, D.M. and Nakano, T.
page 4877-4881
- Dissolution kinetics at the calcite-water interface
Yong, L., Baer, D.R., McCoy, J.M., Amonette, J.E. and LaFemina, J.P.
page 4883-4887
- Age of the eucrite _Caldera_ from convergence of long-lived and short-lived chronometers
Wadhwa, M. and Lugmair, G.W.
page 4889-4893
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