Tables of Contents service for
Volume 60, Issue 14, July 1996
- Gibbs free energy of formation and heat capacity of PdO: A new calibration of the Pd-PdO buffer to high temperatures and pressures
Nell, J. and O'Neill, H.St.C.
page 2487-2493
- The stability of aluminium silicate complexes in acidic solutions from 25 to 150°C
Pokrovski, G.S., Schott, J., Harrichoury, J.-C. and Sergeyev, A.S.
page 2495-2501
- Metal ion binding by natural organic matter: From the model to the field
Benedetti, M.F., Van Riemsdijk, W.H., Koopal, L.K., Kinniburgh, D.G., Gooddy, D.C. and Milne, C.J.
page 2503-2513
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Co(II) sorption complexes on quartz (
-SiO2) and rutile (TiO2)
O'Day, P.A., Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Towle, S.N., Parks, G.A. and Brown, G.E. Jr.
page 2515-2532
- Chemical weathering rates of a soil chronosequence on granitic alluvium: I. Quantification of mineralogical and surface area changes and calculation of primary silicate reaction rates
White, A.F., Blum, A.E., Schulz, M.S., Bullen, T.D., Harden, J.W. and Peterson, M.L.
page 2533-2550
- Combined slope ratio analysis and linear-subtraction: An extension of the Pearce ratio method
De Waal, S.A.
page 2551-2557
- Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic and trace element evidence for crustal contamination of plume-derived flood basalts: Oligocene flood volcanism in western Yemen
Baker, J.A., Thirlwall, M.F. and Menzies, M.A.
page 2559-2581
- Re-Os, Sm-Nd, and rare earth element evidence for Proterozoic oceanic and possible subcontinental lithosphere in tectonized ultramafic lenses from the Swiss Alps
Meisel, T., Biino, G.G. and Nagler, T.F.
page 2583-2593
- Oxygen isotope fractionations in muscovite, phlogopite, and rutile
Chacko, T., Xiangsheng, H., Mayeda, T.K., Clayton, R.N. and Goldsmith, J.R.
page 2595-2608
- Thermal and shock history of mesosiderites and their large parent asteroid
Haack, H., Scott, E.R.D. and Rasmussen, K.L.
page 2609-2619
- Correlated alteration effects in CM carbonaceous chondrites
Browning, L.B., McSween, H.Y. Jr. and Zolensky, M.E.
page 2621-2633
- Hydrogen isotope geochemistry of SNC meteorites
Leshin, L.A., Epstein, S. and Stolper, E.M.
page 2635-2650
- Indicators of aqueous alteration and thermal metamorphism on the CV parent body: Microtextures of a dark inclusion from Allende
Kojima, T. and Tomeoka, K.
page 2651-2666
- Metal phases of L chondrites: Their formation and evolution in the nebula and in the parent body
Kong, P. and Ebihara, M.
page 2667-2680
- A petrologic, chemical, and isotopic study of Monument Draw and comparison with other acapulcoites: Evidence for formation by incipient partial melting
McCoy, T.J., Keil, K., Clayton, R.N., Mayeda, T.K., Bogard, D.D., Garrison, D.H., Huss, G.R., Hutcheon, I.D. and Wieler, R.
page 2681-2708
- Compressibility of molten high-Ti mare glass: Evidence for crystal-liquid density inversions in the lunar mantle
Circone, S. and Agee, C.B.
page 2709-2720
- The significance of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic fractionations between carnallite and brine at low temperature: Experimental and empirical results
Koehler, G. and Kyser, T.K.
page 2721-2726
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