Tables of Contents service for
Volume 60, Issue 13, July 1996
- An X-ray absorption (EXAFS) spectroscopic study of aquated Ag+ in hydrothermal solutions to 350°C
Seward, T.M., Henderson, C.M.B., Charnock, J.M. and Dobson, B.R.
page 2273-2282
- Ab initio quantum mechanical studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of quartz dissolution: OH_ catalysis
Yitian, X. and Lasaga, A.C.
page 2283-2295
- Hydrothermal plume particles and dissolved phosphate over the superfast-spreading southern East Pacific Rise
Feely, R.A., Baker, E.T., Marumo, K., Urabe, T., Ishibashi, J., Gendron, J., Lebon, G.T. and Okamura, K.
page 2297-2323
- Contemporaneous early diagenetic formation of organic and inorganic sulfur in estuarine sediments from St. Andrew Bay, Florida, USA
Bruchert, V. and Pratt, L.M.
page 2325-2332
- Microbial reactions, chemical speciation, and multicomponent diffusion in porewaters of a eutrophic lake
Furrer, G. and Wehrli, B.
page 2333-2346
- Zircon inclusions in corundum megacrysts: I. Trace element geochemistry and clues to the origin of corundum megacrysts in alkali basalts
Jingfeng, G., O'Reilly, S.Y. and Griffin, W.L.
page 2347-2363
- Upper and lower critical points: Thermodynamic constraints on the solution properties of silicate melts
Hess, P.C.
page 2365-2377
- Earth mineralogical model: Gibbs free energy minimization computation in the system MgO-FeO-SiO2
Saxena, S.K.
page 2379-2395
- Partitioning of platinum-group elements (Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Pd) and gold between sulfide liquid and basalt melt
Fleet, M.E., Crocket, J.H. and Stone, W.E.
page 2397-2412
- The calculation of STM images, STS spectra, and XPS peak shifts for galena: New tools for understanding mineral surface chemistry
Becker, U. and Hochella, M.F. Jr.
page 2413-2426
- Diagenesis of fibrous magnesian calcite marine cement: Implications for the interpretation of
18O and
13C values of ancient equivalents
Frank, T.D. and Lohmann, K.C
page 2427-2436
- Hydrogen isotope exchange reactions between hydrous minerals and molecular hydrogen: I. A new approach for the determination of hydrogen isotope fractionation at moderate temperatures
Vennemann, T.W. and O'neil, J.R.
page 2437-2451
- Pu-Xe dating of eucrites
Shukolyukov, A. and Begemann, F.
page 2453-2471
- Investigation of bacterial-mineral interactions using Fluid Tapping ModeTM Atomic Force Microscopy
Grantham, M.C. and Dove, P.M.
page 2473-2480
- Chemistry of Aquatic Systems: Local and Global Perspectives
Nagy, K.L.
page 2481
- Biogenic Trace Gases: Measuring Emissions from Soil and Water
Komor, S.C.
page 2481-2482
- Assessing the reliability of magnesium in foraminiferal calcite as a proxy for water mass temperatures.
Nurnberg, D.
page 2483-2484
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