Tables of Contents service for
Volume 60, Issue 7, April 1996
- Formation of the Earth's core
Palme, H. and O'Neill, H.St.C.
page 1106-1108
- Experimental constraints on melting conditions relevant to core formation
Boehler, R.
page 1109-1112
- Potential role played by viscous heating in thermal-chemical convection in the outer core
Hansen, U. and Yuen, D.A.
page 1113-1123
- Cosmochemical constraints on the sulfur content in the Earth's core
Dreibus, G. and Palme, H.
page 1125-1130
- Evidence for 182Hf in the early Solar System and constraints on the timescale of terrestrial accretion and core formation
Harper, C.L. Jr. and Jacobsen, S.B.
page 1131-1153
- The depletion of tungsten in the bulk silicate earth: Constraints on core formation
Newsom, H.E., Sims, K.W.W., Noll, P.D. Jr., Jaeger, W.L., Maehr, S.A. and Beserra, T.B.
page 1155-1169
- Solubility of tungsten in a haplobasaltic melt as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity
Ertel, W., O'Neill, H.St.C., Dingwell, D.B. and Spettel, B.
page 1171-1180
- The influence of FeO on the solubilities of cobalt and nickel in silicate melts
Holzheid, A. and Palme, H.
page 1181-1193
- Neutron activation analysis of multiple 10-100
g glass samples from siderophile element partitioning experiments
Lindstrom, D.J. and Jones, J.H.
page 1195-1203
- The formation of the lunar core
Runcorn, S.K.
page 1205-1208
- A general equation of state for supercritical fluid mixtures and molecular dynamics simulation of mixture PVTX properties
Duan, Z., M_ller, N. and Weare, J.H.
page 1209-1216
- Progressive enrichment of island arc mantle by melt-peridotite interaction inferred from Kamchatka xenoliths
Kepezhinskas, P., Defant, M.J. and Drummond, M.S.
page 1217-1229
- Partitioning of nickel, copper, iridium, rhenium, platinum, and palladium between monosulfide solid solution and sulfide liquid: Effects of composition and temperature
Li, C., Barnes, S.-J., Makovicky, E., Rose-Hansen, J. and Makovicky, M.
page 1231-1238
- Characterization of macromolecular organic matter in sediment traps from the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Peulve, S., De Leeuw, J.W., Sicre, M.-A., Baas, M. and Saliot, A.
page 1239-1259
- A stable isotope study of pyrite formation in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of the Black Sea
Calvert, S.E., Thode, H.G., Yeung, D. and Karlin, R.E.
page 1261-1270
- Novel, resistant microalgal polyethers: An important sink of organic carbon in the marine environment?
Gelin, F., Boogers, I., Noordeloos, A.A.M., Damste, J.S.S., Hatcher, P.G. and de Leeuw, J.W.
page 1275-1280
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