Tables of Contents service for
Volume 60, Issue 6, March 1996
- The proton promoted dissolution kinetics of K-montmorillonite
Zysset, M. and Schindler, P.W.
page 921-931
- Thermochemistry of mixing strontianite [SrCO3(s)] and aragonite [CaCO3(s)] to form CaxSr1_xCO3(s) solid solutions
Casey, W.H., Liang, C., Navrotsky, A. and Rock, P.A.
page 933-940
- Rates and stoichiometry of hornblende dissolution over 115 days of laboratory weathering at pH 3.6-4.0 and 25°C in 0.01 M lithium acetate
Hailin, Z., Bloom, P.R., Nater, E.A. and Erich, M.S.
page 941-950
- Dissolved organic Fe(III) and Fe(II) complexes in salt marsh porewaters
Luther, G.W. III, Shellenbarger, P.A. and Brendel, P.J.
page 951-960
- Bottomwater formation due to hydrothermal activity in Frolikha Bay, Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia
Kipfer, R., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Hofer, M., Hohmann, R., imboden, D.M., Baur, H., Golubev, V. and Klerkx, J.
page 961-971
- Cretaceous Tertiary phenomena in the context of seafloor rearrangements and P(CO2) fluctuations over the past 100 m.y.
Liu, Y.-G. and Schmitt, R.A.
page 973-994
- Modelling the diffusive transport and remobilisation of 137Cs in sediments: The effects of sorption kinetics and reversibility
Smith, J.T. and Comans, R.N.J.
page 995-1004
- Fractionation of soil gases by diffusion of water vapor, gravitational settling, and thermal diffusion
Severinghaus, J.P., Bender, M.L., Keeling, R.F. and Broecker, W.S.
page 1005-1018
- A model of early diagenetic processes from the shelf to abyssal depths
Soetaert, K., Herman, P.M.J. and Middelburg, J.J.
page 1019-1040
- 133Cs NMR and XPS investigation of cesium adsorbed on clay minerals and related phases
Yeongkyoo, K., Cygan, R.T. and Kirkpatrick, R.J.
page 1041-1052
- Solid solution partitioning of Sr2+, Ba2+, and Cd2+ to calcite
Tesoriero, A.J. and Pankow, J.F.
page 1053-1063
- Phytane from chemolytic analysis of modern marine sediments: A product of desulfurization or not?
Prahl, F.G., Pinto, L.A. and Sparrow, M.A.
page 1065-1073
- Excess 40Ar transport scale and mechanism in high-pressure phengites: A case study from an eclogitized metabasite of the Dora-Maira nappe, western Alps
Scaillet, S.
page 1075-1090
- Heterogeneous metamictization of zircon on a microscale
Nasdala, L., Pidgeon, R.T. and Wolf, D.
page 1091-1097
- Tektite cooling rates: Calorimetric relaxation geospeedometry applied to a natural glass
Wilding, M., Webb, S. and Dingwell, D.B.
page 1099-1103
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