Tables of Contents service for
Volume 60, Issue 5, March 1996
- Thermodynamic properties and stoichiometry of As(III) hydroxide complexes at hydrothermal conditions
Pokrovski, G., Gout, R., Schott, J., Zotov, A. and Harrichoury, J.
page 737-749
- Diagenetic pyritisation under eastern Mediterranean sapropels caused by downward sulphide diffusion
Passier, H.F., Middelburg, J.J., van Os, B.J.H. and de Lange, G.J.
page 751-763
- Reflectance spectroscopy and geochemical analyses of Lake Hoare sediments, Antarctica: Implications for remote sensing of the Earth and Mars
Bishop, J.L., Koeberl, C., Kralik, C., Froschl, H., Englert, P.A.J., Andersen, D.W., Pieters, C.M. and Wharton, R.A. Jr.
page 765-785
- The brine underlying the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee, USA: Characterization, genesis, and environmental implications
Nativ, R.
page 787-801
- Assessing the reliability of magnesium in foraminiferal calcite as a proxy for water mass temperatures
Nurnberg, D., Bijma, J. and Hemleben, C.
page 803-814
- Characteristics and origin of the glass spherules from the Paleocene flood basalt province of western Greenland
Robin, E., Swinburne, N.H.M., Froget, L., Rocchia, R. and Gayraud, J.
page 815-830
- A Magnus opus: Helium, neon, and argon isotopes in a North Sea oilfield
Ballentine, C.J., O'Nions, R.K. and Coleman, M.L.
page 831-849
- Chemical dynamics of the _St. Lawrence_ riverine system:
34Ssulfate, and dissolved 87Sr/86Sr
Chao, Y., Telmer, K. and Veizer, J.
page 851-866
- Acapulco- and Lodran-like achondrites: Petrology, geochemistry, chronology, and origin
Mittlefehldt, D.W., Lindstrom, M.M., Bogard, D.D., Garrison, D.H. and Field, S.W.
page 867-882
- Small SiC grains and a nitride grain of circumstellar origin from the Murchison meteorite: Implications for stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis
Hoppe, P., Strebel, R., Eberhardt, P., Amari, S. and Lewis, R.S.
page 883-907
- Precise determination of lithium isotopic composition in low concentration natural samples
Chen-Feng, Y. and Lui-Heung, C.
page 909-915
- Unusually low
18O ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Sulu Terrain, eastern China
T., F.Y., Rumble, D. III and C., H.L.
page 917
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