Tables of Contents service for
Volume 59, Issue 3, February 1995
- Experimental study of muscovite stability in pure H2O and 1 molal KCl-HCl solutions
Haselton, H.T. Jr., Cygan, G.L. and Jenkins, D.M.
page 429-442
- Partitioning of rare earth elements (REEs) between calcite and seawater solutions at 25_C and 1 atm, and high dissolved REE concentrations
Zhong, S. and Mucci, A.
page 443-453
- Structural behavior of Al3+ in silicate melts: In situ, high-temperature measurements as a function of bulk chemical composition
Mysen, B.
page 455-474
- The Cr-Cr2O3 oxygen buffer and the free energy of formation of Cr2O3 from high-temperature electrochemical measurements
Holzheid, A. and O'Neill, H.St.C.
page 475-479
- The solubility of iridium in silicate melts: New data from experiments with Ir10Pt90 alloys
Borisov, A. and Palme, H.
page 481-485
- Volatile transport of precious metals at 1000_C: Speciation, fractionation, and effect of base-metal sulfide
Fleet, M.E. and Wu, T.
page 487-495
- Microelectrode studies of organic carbon degradation and calcite dissolution at a California Continental rise site
Cai, W., Reimers, C.E. and Shaw, T.
page 497-511
- Alkenones in Gephyrocapsa oceanica: Implications for studies of paleoclimate
Volkman, J.K., Barrett, S.M., Blackburn, S.I. and Sikes, E.L.
page 513-520
- Organic sulfur compounds formed during early diagenesis in Black sea sediments
Wakeham, S.G., Sinninghe Damste, J.S., Kohnen, M.E.L. and de Leeuw, J.W.
page 521-533
- Exchange of neodymium and its isotopes between seawater and small and large particles in the Sargasso Sea
Jeandel, C., Bishop, J.K. and Zindler, A.
page 535-547
- Miocene basalts in northwestern Taiwan: Evidence for EM-type mantle sources in the continental lithosphere
Chung, S., Jahn, B., Chen, S., Lee, T. and Chen, C.
page 549-555
- Carbon isotope evidence for diurnal variations in methanogenesis in freshwater lake sediments
Jedrysek, M.O.
page 557-561
- Fayalite in the Kaba and Mokoia carbonaceous chondrites
Hua, X. and Buseck, P.R.
page 563-578
- Synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from benzene by impact shock: Its reaction mechanism and cosmochemical significance
Mimura, K.
page 579-591
- Classification and origin of IAB and IIICD iron meteorites
Choi, B., Ouyang, X. and Wasson, J.T.
page 593-612
- Boron content and isotopic composition of tektites and impact glasses: Constraints on source regions
Chaussidon, M. and Koeberl, C.
page 613-624
- Isotopic evidence for the contemporary origin of high-molecular weight organic matter in oceanic environments
Santschi, P.H., Guo, L., Baskaran, M., Trumbore, S., Southon, J., Bianchi, T.S., Honeyman, B. and Cifuentes, L.
page 625-631
- 238U-234U-230Th chronometry of Fe-Mn crusts: Growth processes and recovery of thorium isotopic ratios of seawater
Chabaux, F., Cohen, A.S., O'Nions, R.K. and Hein, J.R.
page 633-638
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